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News Releases from Region 09

EPA, San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority to break ground on new groundwater treatment facility in Puente Valley

Contact Information: 
Nahal Mogharabi (

LOS ANGELES – On Thursday, U.S. EPA and the San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority will participate in a groundbreaking ceremony for a new groundwater treatment system in Puente Valley as part of ongoing cleanup at the San Gabriel Valley Area 4 Superfund Site. The new treatment system is expected to be completed by 2020. Once construction on the new treatment system is complete, EPA and the state will test the water before issuing a permit to La Puente Valley County Water District to operate the state-of-the-art treatment facility and distribute the water to local users. 

In 1984, EPA established the Puente Valley Operable Unit as part of the San Gabriel Valley Superfund Sites after groundwater monitoring revealed significant volatile organic compound (VOC) contamination in groundwater within the southeastern portion of the San Gabriel Valley.  A cleanup plan was prepared in 1998 and updated in 2005 to address an approximately 5-square mile wide plume of contaminated groundwater that extends beneath the City of Industry, City of La Puente and portions of unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County.      

Dana Barton, Superfund Assistant Director, U.S. EPA
Jorge Marquez, Chairman, San Gabriel Basin WQA
Greg Galindo, General Manager, La Puente Valley County Water District
Congresswoman Grace Napolitano (CA-32)
Other state and local officials

Groundbreaking of new groundwater treatment facility in Puente Valley

Thursday, September 20th
11:00 AM

111 Hudson Ave.
Industry, CA 91744
**Parking available onsite

RSVP REQUIRED:  *** Credentialed press who would like to attend this event, or for more information please e-mail Nahal Mogharabi at or Stephanie Moreno at


Superfund Task Force. In May 2017 EPA established a task force to restore the Superfund program to its rightful place at the center of the Agency's core mission to protect health and the environment.