Clean School Bus Program Awards
- Total Clean School Bus Program Awards
- Instructions for Interactive Maps and Data Tables
- CSB Rebates
- CSB Grants
- CSB Program Withdrawals
Total Clean School Bus Program Awards
With funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, EPA’s Clean School Bus Program provides $5 billion over five years (FY 2022-2026) to replace existing school buses with zero-emission and clean school buses. The above figures represent the total funds reserved for selected rebate and grant recipients across rebate and grant funding opportunities to date; the status of these funds is detailed in the CSB Rebates and CSB Grants sections below. Please continue scrolling to see more detailed information about rebate and grant program funding. The section directly below outlines the source of this information and how it is updated.
NOTE: ‘Total Awards’ and ‘Total School Districts’ may differ because one grant award can include multiple school districts. Additionally, school districts that have received awards from multiple funding opportunities are only counted once.
Instructions for Interactive Maps and Data Tables
Note: The information on this page provides a snapshot of awards and is updated regularly, as noted by the ‘Data Updated On’ column in each table. The total number of awards are subject to change due to selectee withdrawals and other factors. This information is not an official notification of award. Applicants are notified of selection via the processes outlined in the Rebate Program Guides and Grant Program Notice of Funding Opportunities.
The interactive maps and tables below highlight rebate and grant awards. Be advised: these are maximum funding amounts. The amount of funding that will be disbursed after a school district submits their order documentation may be lower than these maximum amounts because the funds to be disbursed are based on actual costs of the bus(es) and any associated charging infrastructure.
Both the Grants and Rebates Data Tables include a column titled ‘Project Status’ that outlines where a Clean School Bus Project is in the rebate or grant process. The options for this column are listed and defined below:
- Tentatively Selected
- Rebates – Applicants tentatively selected in the Lottery that have NOT yet received initial approval due to ongoing review; if applicants do not provide all required documentation in a timely manner, then they may be marked ineligible.
- Grants – Not applicable.
- Selected
- Rebates – Selected Applicants WITHOUT an approved Payment Request Form.
- Grants – Selected Applicants WITHOUT an approved workplan and grant application.
- Funds Awarded
- Rebates – Selected Applicants WITH an approved Payment Request Form.
- Grants – Selected Applicants WITH an awarded grant, after approval of workplan and grant application.
- Project Complete
- Rebates – Selected Applicants that have submitted a Close Out Form. Upon submission, the EPA will review, and potentially request edits, before approving the submitted Close Out Form.
EPA provides flexibility to school districts by providing a 2-year project period so that fleet owners can purchase new buses when it aligns with their bus procurement schedule, as well as keep their old buses while integrating their new buses into their fleet. Awardees from the first round of CSB funding, the 2022 CSB Rebate Program, are required to close out their projects by October 31, 2024. Some school districts have chosen to close out their project upon receipt of new buses, while others are waiting until closer to the deadline as they test out the new buses and integrate them into their fleet; thus, EPA expects that there are more new buses currently deployed than reflected in the numbers for projects with a Close Out Form submitted. The dashboard below will be updated as additional selectees submit Close Out Forms for EPA review and approval. - Grants – Selected Applicants that have completed all reporting requirements.
- Rebates – Selected Applicants that have submitted a Close Out Form. Upon submission, the EPA will review, and potentially request edits, before approving the submitted Close Out Form.
Note about the geospatial representation of CSB Projects:
In this interactive map, each awarded school district is represented as a polygon, when available, representing the school district boundary, using data from the Department of Education's National Center for Educational Statistics Education Demographic and Geographic Estimates Program. For school districts that do not have a representative polygon boundary in the EDGE dataset (e.g., charter schools), a representative point has been used instead, using the geographical coordinates for the school or agency administrative office. Coordinate degrees, minutes, and seconds have been converted to six-digit decimal degrees. The district's NCES ID can serve as a key data field to crosswalk the CSB awarded project data represented here with the geospatial data from NCES EDGE. For more about the geospatial data, please see NCES EDGE:
A school district’s boundary may change from one academic year to another. The table below identifies which School Year data was used in each Clean School Bus Funding Opportunity.
Funding Opportunity | School Year |
2022 CSB Rebates | SY 2020-2021 |
2023 CSB Grants | SY 2021-2022 |
2023 CSB Rebates | SY 2021-2022 |
When remapping these data, we recommend using polygon boundaries where available as these best represent a project's approximate place of performance (i.e. where vehicles will operate). However, extra care should be taken when representing these on a map, as a single point or small polygon may be convenient for visualization but may ultimately be misleading to viewers about the extent and nature of the project, because of the mobile nature of both vehicles and the benefits from these projects.
CSB Rebates
The 2022 CSB Rebates was the first round of funding from the EPA Clean School Bus Program.1 The 2023 CSB Rebates was the third round of funding from the EPA Clean School Bus Program.2 The interactive map and data table below outline the details of awarded CSB Rebates.
CSB Rebates Interactive Map and Data Table
Please refer to the Instructions for Interactive Maps and Data Tables for more detailed information on the data that is represented in the maps and tables, and how to utilize these features.
The map and table may display better on your device outside of this page, so go to interactive map and table at CSB Rebates Interactive Map. Note: Interactive map does not work with the Internet Explorer web browser and displays best on desktops and laptops.
CSB Rebates Waitlist
EPA is no longer pulling applicants from the 2022 CSB Rebates waitlist. Remaining funds from the 2022 CSB Rebate Program will be rolled into future funding opportunities.
Eligible 2023 CSB Rebate Program applications not selected during the lottery are listed in the waitlist below. Please note that the waitlist is in alphabetical order rather than by lottery selection order. If a selectee does not complete the remaining required steps early in the rebate process, drops out, or is otherwise deemed ineligible, that selectee will be removed from the program. Those funds may be offered to other 2023 applicants on the waitlist. EPA will follow the selection process outlined in Section 6 of the 2023 CSB Rebate Program Guide when reallocating these funds. Applicants may be pulled from the waitlist up to 90 days after the initial selection notification in May 2024. However, EPA may opt to use returned funds for future CSB funding opportunities rather than award funds to applicants on the waitlist.
2023 CSB Rebates Waitlist (pdf)
CSB Grants
The 2023 CSB Grants was the second round of funding under the EPA Clean School Bus Program.3 The interactive map and data table below outline the details of tentatively selected awardees from the 2023 CSB Grants.
Note: the information below is currently displayed by project AND school district. As tentatively selected awardees finalize their workplans, amounts awarded and number of buses may be adjusted. This information will be updated when available resulting in an update to the ‘Data Updated On’ and ‘Project Status’ columns.
Note: Third-party grantees were required to serve at minimum four school districts, but the school districts could be across multiple states, so long as they are in the same EPA region. Until workplans are finalized, EPA is unable to provide exact figures on the number of funds and buses that will be allocated to each school, and as a result, each state. This information will be updated when available.
CSB Grants Interactive Map and Data Table
Please refer to the Instructions for Interactive Maps and Data Tables for more detailed information on the information that is represented and how to utilize these features.
The map and table may display better on your device outside of this page, so go to interactive map and table at CSB Grants Interactive Map. Note: Interactive map does not work with the Internet Explorer web browser and displays best on desktops and laptops.
Note: If you download the data from the CSB Grants Data Table, all of the third-party grants will display the project-level total for each school district. This will make the totals appear higher than they actually are, so please cross-reference this information with the CSB Grants Data Table. As third-party grantees finalize their workplans, this data will be updated to reflect district-level totals once available.
CSB Program Withdrawals
If an awardee withdraws for any reason, EPA may award the returned funds to applicants on the waitlist from that specific funding opportunity or opt to use the returned funds for future CSB funding opportunities. For more detailed information on withdrawals, please refer to the CSB Reports to Congress.
1. For more details, please refer to this press release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Nearly $1 Billion from EPA’s Clean School Bus Program for 389 School Districts.
2. For more details, please refer to this press release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Recipients of nearly $900 Million for Clean School Buses Under President’s Investing in America Agenda.
3. For more details, please refer to this press release: Biden-Harris Administration announces nearly $1B in awards for clean school buses across the nation as part of Investing in America Agenda.