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Displaying 1 - 7 of 7 results
EPA Awards $50,000 to Student Teams in Illinois for Innovative Technology Projects
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $50,000 to Student Teams in Illinois for Innovative Technology Projects
- Release Date:
EPA awards two University of Illinois System institutions nearly $200,000 to support innovative approaches to source reduction
EPA News Release: EPA awards two University of Illinois System institutions nearly $200,000 to support innovative approaches to source reduction
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University of Illinois at Chicago to receive $300,000 EPA grant for community project to reduce food waste
EPA News Release: University of Illinois at Chicago to receive $300,000 EPA grant for community project to reduce food waste
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EPA Awards Nearly $1 Million to University of Illinois to Research How to Control and Prevent Harmful Algal Blooms
EPA News Release: EPA Awards Nearly $1 Million to University of Illinois to Research How to Control and Prevent Harmful Algal Blooms
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Senior EPA Officials Announce Great Lakes Grants During Visit to Superior and Duluth
Funding for ballast water research highlighted
EPA News Release: Senior EPA Officials Announce Great Lakes Grants During Visit to Superior and Duluth
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EPA Requests Applications for $6 Million Grant to Monitor Contaminants in Great Lakes Fish
EPA News Release: EPA Requests Applications for $6 Million Grant to Monitor Contaminants in Great Lakes Fish
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EPA Announces Over $12 Million in Grants to Improve Great Lakes Fisheries and Michigan Water Quality
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Over $12 Million in Grants to Improve Great Lakes Fisheries and Michigan Water Quality
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