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Displaying 1 - 15 of 1049 results
President Trump Appoints Scott Mason IV as EPA South Central Regional Administrator
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lee Zeldin announced that President Donald J. Trump has appointed Scott Mason IV to serve as the 14th regional administrator of the EPA’s South Central Region, also known as Region 6.
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HF Sinclair Navajo Agrees to Settlement to Reduce Climate- and Health Harming Emissions at Artesia Refinery in New Mexico
Settlement Will Result in Annual Reductions of Over 100,000 Tons Per Year of Pollution
Today, Jan. 17, the Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Justice, and the New Mexico Environment Department announced a proposed settlement with HF Sinclair Navajo Refining LLC, an HF Sinclair Corp. subsidiary.
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EPA Announces $300,000 in Funding to Three Small Businesses in Texas and Oklahoma for the Development of Environmental Technologies
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is announcing $300,000 in grant funding for three small businesses to develop technologies to address public health and environmental challenges.
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EPA Announces $2.4 million in Funding to 24 Small Businesses for the Development of Environmental Technologies
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $2.4 million in Funding to 24 Small Businesses for the Development of Environmental Technologies
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces Over $12 Million to Livingston and Jefferson Parish for Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles as Part of Investing in America Agenda
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that Livingston Parish and Jefferson Parish have been selected to receive a combined total of $12,700,000 to assist in the purchase of 45 zero-emission vehicles through its first-ever Clean Heavy-Dut
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces Over $22 Million in Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants for New Mexico Organizations
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced it has selected two New Mexico organizations for the Community Change Grants Program, totaling $22,990,000 in awards.
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces Over $33 Million in Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants for Texas Organizations
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced it has selected three Texas organizations for the Community Change Grants Program, totaling $33,300,000 in awards.
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces $40 Million in Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants for Louisiana Organizations
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced it has selected two Louisiana organizations for the Community Change Grants Program, totaling $40,000,000 in awards.
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces Over $62 Million to North Central Texas Council of Governments and Dallas Independent School District for Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicles as Part of Investing in America Agenda
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that the North Central Texas Council of Governments and Dallas Independent School District have been selected to receive a combined total of $62,184,164 to assist in the purchase of 244 zero-emission
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Crane Company Manitowoc to Pay $42.6M for Clean Air Act Violations for Sale of Noncompliant Diesel Engines in Heavy Duty Cranes
Settlement requires company to retrofit a short-line locomotive engine to improve air quality along 70-mile-long pathway in the Sparrows Point area of Maryland
EPA News Release: Crane Company Manitowoc to Pay $42.6M for Clean Air Act Violations for Sale of Noncompliant Diesel Engines in Heavy Duty Cranes
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EPA Grants Waiver for California’s Advanced Clean Cars II Regulations
Agency additionally grants waiver for low-NOx regulations for heavy-duty and off-road vehicles and engines
EPA News Release: EPA Grants Waiver for California’s Advanced Clean Cars II Regulations
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EPA Announces $12 Million WIFIA Loan to Modernize and Improve Wastewater Infrastructure in Delaware
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $12 Million WIFIA Loan to Modernize and Improve Wastewater Infrastructure in Delaware
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces Louisiana Selectees to Receive Over $1 Million in Grant Funding to Help Prevent Pollution as Part of Investing in America Agenda
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced Louisiana State University and Delgado Community College have been selected to collectively receive $1,049,700 in grants to provide technical assistance to businesses.
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces Over $20 Million in New Mexico Through Investing in America Agenda
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced $20,910,000 for the state of New Mexico under the Biden-Harris Administration’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to upgrade water infrastructure and keep communities safe.
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces Over $26 Million in Arkansas Through Investing in America Agenda
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced $26,830,000 for the state of Arkansas under the Biden-Harris Administration’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to upgrade water infrastructure and keep communities safe.
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