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Displaying 1 - 15 of 100 results
EPA Recognizes Staples US Retail of Framingham, Mass. for Electronics Recycling Efforts
EPA News Release: EPA Recognizes Staples US Retail of Framingham, Mass. for Electronics Recycling Efforts
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EPA Recognizes Sprint and 8 Other Electronics Industry Leaders for Achievements in Innovation and Recycling
EPA News Release: EPA Recognizes Sprint and 8 Other Electronics Industry Leaders for Achievements in Innovation and Recycling
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EPA announces grant to enhance mussel populations in New York’s lower Grasse River
Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe receives $160,000 Great Lakes Restoration Initiative grant
EPA News Release: EPA announces grant to enhance mussel populations in New York’s lower Grasse River
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EPA requests applications for $2 million in funding for Great Lakes trash-free water projects
For the first time, GLRI grants available to keep trash out of the Great Lakes
EPA News Release: EPA requests applications for $2 million in funding for Great Lakes trash-free water projects
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EPA awards $5.6 million in grants to reduce diesel pollution
Diesel pollution reduction projects in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska get a big boost
EPA News Release: EPA awards $5.6 million in grants to reduce diesel pollution
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Kansas Water Infrastructure Projects Recognized by EPA for Excellence and Innovation
EPA News Release: Kansas Water Infrastructure Projects Recognized by EPA for Excellence and Innovation
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EPA Announces Availability of $1.2 Million in Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem-Solving Cooperative Agreements
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Availability of $1.2 Million in Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem-Solving Cooperative Agreements
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EPA Celebrates America Recycles Week at UMASS Dartmouth
EPA News Release: EPA Celebrates America Recycles Week at UMASS Dartmouth
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EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler Calls for Nominations for 2020 President’s Environmental Youth Awards and Presidential Innovation Awards for Environmental Educators
Applications due by Jan. 15, 2020
EPA News Release: EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler Calls for Nominations for 2020 President’s Environmental Youth Awards and Presidential Innovation Awards for Environmental Educators
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EPA awards environmental justice grants to communities and tribes in Alaska, Oregon and Washington
Funding aims to empower underserved communities working on solutions to local environmental and public health issues
EPA News Release: EPA awards environmental justice grants to communities and tribes in Alaska, Oregon and Washington
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EPA Awards 2019 Environmental Justice Small Grant for Project in Danbury, Conn.
EPA News Release: EPA Awards 2019 Environmental Justice Small Grant for Project in Danbury, Conn.
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EPA Region 7 Selects Environmental Justice Grant Projects in Missouri and Nebraska to Address Local Community Health and Environmental Issues
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 Selects Environmental Justice Grant Projects in Missouri and Nebraska to Address Local Community Health and Environmental Issues
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EPA Awards 2019 Environmental Justice Small Grants for Projects in Rhode Island
EPA News Release: EPA Awards 2019 Environmental Justice Small Grants for Projects in Rhode Island
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EPA Awards 2019 Environmental Justice Small Grants for Projects to Passamaquoddy Tribe of Pleasant Point and Penobscot Indian Nation
EPA News Release: EPA Awards 2019 Environmental Justice Small Grants for Projects to Passamaquoddy Tribe of Pleasant Point and Penobscot Indian Nation
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$2.6 Million in Grants Awarded to Improve the Health of Long Island Sound
$1.6 million for 25 grants benefiting New England
EPA News Release: $2.6 Million in Grants Awarded to Improve the Health of Long Island Sound
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