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- May 2022
Displaying 1 - 15 of 20 results
EPA Regional Administrator Guzman Urges School Districts in Pacific Southwest Region to Apply for $500 Million In Clean School Bus Funding
President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Creates New EPA Program to Protect Children’s Health, Reduce Pollution, and Boost American Manufacturing
EPA News Release: EPA Regional Administrator Guzman Urges School Districts in Pacific Southwest Region to Apply for $500 Million In Clean School Bus Funding
- Release Date:
EPA Regional Administrator KC Becker urges eligible school districts in EPA Region 8 states to apply for $500 million in available funding for clean school buses
President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law creates new EPA program to protect children’s health, reduce pollution, and boost American manufacturing
EPA News Release: EPA Regional Administrator KC Becker urges eligible school districts in EPA Region 8 states to apply for $500 million in available funding for clean school buses
- Release Date:
EPA Regional Administrator Dr. Earthea Nance Urges Eligible School Districts in EPA Region 6 to Apply for $500 Million In Available Funding for Clean School Buses
President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Creates New EPA Program to Protect Children’s Health, Reduce Pollution, and Boost American Manufacturing
EPA News Release: EPA Regional Administrator Dr. Earthea Nance Urges Eligible School Districts in EPA Region 6 to Apply for $500 Million In Available Funding for Clean School Buses
- Release Date:
Kansas City, Missouri, Selected to Receive $5.75M as Biden Administration Announces $254M to Tackle Polluted Brownfield Sites
EPA News Release: Kansas City, Missouri, Selected to Receive $5.75M as Biden Administration Announces $254M to Tackle Polluted Brownfield Sites
- Release Date:
St. Louis, Missouri, and St. Louis County Selected to Receive $1M and $1.9M as Biden Administration Announces $254M to Tackle Polluted Brownfield Sites
EPA News Release: St. Louis, Missouri, and St. Louis County Selected to Receive $1M and $1.9M as Biden Administration Announces $254M to Tackle Polluted Brownfield Sites
- Release Date:
Denison, Iowa, Selected to Receive $400K as Biden Administration Announces $254M to Tackle Polluted Brownfield Sites
Selected grant targets assessment and reuse plans for Denison Municipal Utility Power Plant and Avenue C sites
EPA News Release: Denison, Iowa, Selected to Receive $400K as Biden Administration Announces $254M to Tackle Polluted Brownfield Sites
- Release Date:
Kansas’ Flint Hills Regional Council Selected to Receive $500K as Biden Administration Announces $254M to Tackle Polluted Brownfield Sites
Selected grant targets sites in Kansas communities of Junction City, Manhattan and Ogden
EPA News Release: Kansas’ Flint Hills Regional Council Selected to Receive $500K as Biden Administration Announces $254M to Tackle Polluted Brownfield Sites
- Release Date:
Fort Dodge, Iowa, Selected to Receive $250K as Biden Administration Announces $254M to Tackle Polluted Brownfield Sites
Selected grant targets cleanup at the Former Greenleaf Healthcare Facility
EPA News Release: Fort Dodge, Iowa, Selected to Receive $250K as Biden Administration Announces $254M to Tackle Polluted Brownfield Sites
- Release Date:
Council Bluffs, Iowa, Selected to Receive $500K as Biden Administration Announces $254M to Tackle Polluted Brownfield Sites
EPA announces selection of 265 communities to receive Brownfields Assessment, Cleanup, and Revolving Loan Fund Grants to help build a better America while advancing environmental justice
EPA News Release: Council Bluffs, Iowa, Selected to Receive $500K as Biden Administration Announces $254M to Tackle Polluted Brownfield Sites
- Release Date:
EPA Announces $53 Million Investment in the Gulf of Mexico through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $53 Million Investment in the Gulf of Mexico through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
- Release Date:
EPA Announces $500K Hawaii Investment, Supported by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, to Revitalize Communities
Oahu Will Receive a Brownfields Assessment Grant Under Nationwide Effort to Build A Better America
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $500K Hawaii Investment, Supported by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, to Revitalize Communities
- Release Date:
EPA Announces $8.3 Million in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funds to Revitalize Communities in Oregon
Funds part of a $254 Million Nationwide effort to tackle polluted Brownfield sites
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $8.3 Million in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funds to Revitalize Communities in Oregon
- Release Date:
EPA Announces $1.9 Million Nevada Investment, Supported by Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, to Revitalize Communities
Nevada Communities Will Receive Brownfields Assessment Grants to Help Build A Better America While Advancing Environmental Justice
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $1.9 Million Nevada Investment, Supported by Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, to Revitalize Communities
- Release Date:
EPA Announces $5.4 Million in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funds to Revitalize Communities in Washington
Funds part of a $254 Million Nationwide effort to tackle polluted Brownfield sites
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $5.4 Million in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funds to Revitalize Communities in Washington
- Release Date:
EPA Announces $2.25 Million in funding to Revitalize Communities in Idaho
Funds part of a $254 Million Nationwide effort to tackle polluted Brownfield sites
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $2.25 Million in funding to Revitalize Communities in Idaho
- Release Date: