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Partes concordam em pagar US$ 150 milhões para limpar o rio Lower Passaic em Nova Jersey
Parte do Diamond Alkali Superfund Site
EPA News Release: Partes concordam em pagar US$ 150 milhões para limpar o rio Lower Passaic em Nova Jersey
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Las partes acuerdan pagar $150 millones para la limpieza de la cuenca inferior del río Passaic en Nueva Jersey
Parte del sitio Superfund Diamond Alkali
EPA News Release: Las partes acuerdan pagar $150 millones para la limpieza de la cuenca inferior del río Passaic en Nueva Jersey
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Parties Agree to Pay $150 Million Toward Clean Up of the Lower Passaic River in New Jersey
Part of the Diamond Alkali Superfund Site
EPA News Release: Parties Agree to Pay $150 Million Toward Clean Up of the Lower Passaic River in New Jersey
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces $1.5M from EPA’s Brownfields Grants to Train Missouri Environmental Workers
EPA selects three Missouri organizations to receive first Brownfields Job Training grants funded by Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, boosting workforce training in underserved, overburdened communities
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces $1.5M from EPA’s Brownfields Grants to Train Missouri Environmental Workers
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Sunnyside Zero Storage, LLC of Sunnyside, WA penalized $61,500 for Hazardous Chemical Violations
Company fined for failing to meet hazardous chemical reporting requirements
EPA News Release: Sunnyside Zero Storage, LLC of Sunnyside, WA penalized $61,500 for Hazardous Chemical Violations
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Sunnyside Zero Storage, LLC de Sunnyside, WA recibió una sanción de $61,500 por infracciones de sustancias químicas peligrosas
La compañía fue multada por no cumplir con los requisitos de notificación de sustancias químicas peligrosas
EPA News Release: Sunnyside Zero Storage, LLC de Sunnyside, WA recibió una sanción de $61,500 por infracciones de sustancias químicas peligrosas
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Valley Agronomics pays $144,400 EPA penalty for unsafe storage of pesticides
Company cited for Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act violations
EPA News Release: Valley Agronomics pays $144,400 EPA penalty for unsafe storage of pesticides
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces $266K Grant to Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska for Air Monitoring Project
Largest investment for community air monitoring in EPA history funded by President Biden’s Climate and Economic Plans
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces $266K Grant to Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska for Air Monitoring Project
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North Pacific Seafoods penalized $345,000 for Clean Air Act violations
EPA News Release: North Pacific Seafoods penalized $345,000 for Clean Air Act violations
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EPA Fines Kansas and Missouri Home Renovators for Lead-Based Paint Violations
EPA News Release: EPA Fines Kansas and Missouri Home Renovators for Lead-Based Paint Violations
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EPA Reaches Settlement with Evergy Kansas Central Inc. on Actions to Address Compliance with Coal Combustion Residuals Regulations
EPA News Release: EPA Reaches Settlement with Evergy Kansas Central Inc. on Actions to Address Compliance with Coal Combustion Residuals Regulations
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EPA Takes Action to Address Illegal Destruction of Streams and Wetlands in Missouri and Nebraska
EPA News Release: EPA Takes Action to Address Illegal Destruction of Streams and Wetlands in Missouri and Nebraska
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EPA Awards California $609 Million in Historic Federal Funding to Improve Water Quality
EPA News Release: EPA Awards California $609 Million in Historic Federal Funding to Improve Water Quality
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EPA Region 7 Celebrates Clean School Bus Rebate Program in Sidney, Iowa
Event with Sidney Community School District recognizes local district and others in Region 7 for $41.7M in clean school bus funding
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 Celebrates Clean School Bus Rebate Program in Sidney, Iowa
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EPA Unveils Historic National Lead Strategy in Omaha, Nebraska
National Lead Strategy release coincides with renewal of EPA’s agreement with Douglas County Health Department for Omaha Lead Superfund Site
EPA News Release: EPA Unveils Historic National Lead Strategy in Omaha, Nebraska
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