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Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 results
EPA and Congressional officials encourage grant applications for zero emission school buses
EPA News Release: EPA and Congressional officials encourage grant applications for zero emission school buses
- Release Date:
EPA Regional Administrator KC Becker urges eligible school districts in EPA Region 8 states to apply for $500 million in available funding for clean school buses
President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law creates new EPA program to protect children’s health, reduce pollution, and boost American manufacturing
EPA News Release: EPA Regional Administrator KC Becker urges eligible school districts in EPA Region 8 states to apply for $500 million in available funding for clean school buses
- Release Date:
EPA awards $2.5 million to the Association of Farmworker Opportunity Programs for farmworker pesticide training
EPA News Release: EPA awards $2.5 million to the Association of Farmworker Opportunity Programs for farmworker pesticide training
- Release Date:
EPA Launches ‘See a Bloom, Give It Room’ High School Video Challenge
Students invited to submit videos that raise awareness about harmful algal blooms
EPA News Release: EPA Launches ‘See a Bloom, Give It Room’ High School Video Challenge
- Release Date:
What They Are Saying About EPA's New Methane Proposal
EPA News Release: What Republicans and Petroleum Executives Are Saying About EPA's New Methane Proposal
- Release Date: