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Displaying 1 - 15 of 148 results
EPA Region 10 Issues Outdoor Burn Ban for the Yakama Reservation in Washington
All outdoor open burning on the Yakama Reservation is prohibited due to stagnant and unhealthy air conditions
EPA News Release: EPA Region 10 Issues Outdoor Burn Ban for the Yakama Reservation in Washington
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Crowley Fuels pays over $1 million for environmental, public safety violations in Alaska
EPA News Release: Crowley Fuels pays over $1 million for environmental, public safety violations in Alaska
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EPA and Tacoma Power grants help Northwest Seaport Alliance to install first permanent fleet of electric cargo-handling equipment
EPA News Release: EPA and Tacoma Power grants help Northwest Seaport Alliance to install first permanent fleet of electric cargo-handling equipment
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Kalispel Tribe of Indians receives important air quality determination from EPA
EPA has approved tribe’s eligibility for treatment in the same manner as a state for the Clean Air Act
EPA News Release: Kalispel Tribe of Indians receives important air quality determination from EPA
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Louisiana receives $978,866 from EPA to enhance air quality
EPA News Release: Louisiana receives $978,866 from EPA to enhance air quality
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$1.8M EPA grant will provide woodstove alternatives and improve air quality in Klamath Falls, Oregon
Five-year investment expected to net long-term benefits for area residents
EPA News Release: $1.8M EPA grant will provide woodstove alternatives and improve air quality in Klamath Falls, Oregon
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EPA awards more than $1.2M to Port of New Orleans to help reduce diesel emissions
EPA News Release: EPA awards more than $1.2M to Port of New Orleans to help reduce diesel emissions
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State of Alaska and Fairbanks North Star Borough receive $14.7 Million EPA grant to improve air quality
EPA News Release: State of Alaska and Fairbanks North Star Borough receive $14.7 Million EPA grant to improve air quality
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EPA Collects Penalties for Alleged Automobile ‘Defeat Device’ Violations by Two Iowa Companies
EPA News Release: EPA Collects Penalties for Alleged Automobile ‘Defeat Device’ Violations by Two Iowa Companies
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EPA Settlement with Connecticut and Rhode Island Scrap Metal Companies Reduces Air Pollution
EPA News Release: EPA Settlement with Connecticut and Rhode Island Scrap Metal Companies Reduces Air Pollution
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Iowa Department of Natural Resources and K-State University Selected by EPA for Source Reduction Assistance Grants
EPA News Release: Iowa Department of Natural Resources and K-State University Selected by EPA for Source Reduction Assistance Grants
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EPA Recognizes Nine Truck Carriers in Iowa, Missouri and Nebraska for Environmental Performance and Energy Efficiency
EPA News Release: EPA Recognizes Nine Truck Carriers in Iowa, Missouri and Nebraska for Environmental Performance and Energy Efficiency
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EPA honors Northwest companies for top environmental performance – moving more goods more miles with less energy and emissions
EPA News Release: EPA honors Northwest companies for top environmental performance – moving more goods more miles with less energy and emissions
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EPA Awards Source Reduction Grant to New York State Pollution Prevention Institute at Rochester Institute of Technology
Nationwide, 11 organizations across nine states will receive grant funding totaling $1.16 million to support pollution prevention.
EPA News Release: EPA Awards Source Reduction Grant to New York State Pollution Prevention Institute at Rochester Institute of Technology
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U.S. EPA Recognizes Freight Industry Leaders in Georgia for Environmental Performance
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA Recognizes Freight Industry Leaders in Georgia for Environmental Performance
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