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U.S. EPA fines two commercial ships over Vessel General Permit violations
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA fines two commercial ships over Vessel General Permit violations
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Firestone Polymers Agrees to Settle Multiple Environmental Claims at its Sulphur, La., Rubber Manufacturing Plant
EPA News Release: Firestone Polymers Agrees to Settle Multiple Environmental Claims at its Sulphur, La., Rubber Manufacturing Plant
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North Dakota Pipeline Company to Pay $35 Million in Criminal Fines and Civil Penalties for Largest-Ever Inland Spill of Produced Water from Oil Drilling
Pipeline Rupture Caused 29 Million Gallon Spill Over 143 Days Before Discovery
EPA News Release: North Dakota Pipeline Company to Pay $35 Million in Criminal Fines and Civil Penalties for Largest-Ever Inland Spill of Produced Water from Oil Drilling
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Former Asbestos Contractor Sentenced for Theft of Federal Program Funds
EPA News Release: Former Asbestos Contractor Sentenced for Theft of Federal Program Funds
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EPA proposed settlement with Phoenix Petroleum resolves Clean Water Act violations at North Dakota oil production facilities
Company agrees to penalty associated with an inadequate spill prevention plan and field implementation of the plan at two tank batteries
EPA News Release: EPA proposed settlement with Phoenix Petroleum resolves Clean Water Act violations at North Dakota oil production facilities
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EPA Announces Over $877,000 to Oklahoma State Univ. for Farm-Focused Project to Improve Environmental Outcomes
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Over $877,000 to Oklahoma State Univ. for Farm-Focused Project to Improve Environmental Outcomes
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EPA proposes settlement with Arrow Midstream to resolve produced water releases on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation in North Dakota
Proposed penalty addresses the discharge of contaminants from the Moccasin Creek and Two Shields Butte pipelines
EPA News Release: EPA proposes settlement with Arrow Midstream to resolve produced water releases on the Fort Berthold Indian Reservation in North Dakota
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EPA settlement with Hess Corporation for Clean Water Act violations at North Dakota gas plant
Company agrees to penalty associated with inadequate spill prevention and response plans at Tioga facility
EPA News Release: EPA settlement with Hess Corporation for Clean Water Act violations at North Dakota gas plant
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EPA penalizes Premier Performance $3 million for selling ‘defeat’ devices
Idaho company, affiliates illegally sold devices allowing 3.5 million pounds of illegal emissions per year
EPA News Release: EPA penalizes Premier Performance $3 million for selling ‘defeat’ devices
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