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Displaying 1 - 15 of 41 results
EPA and IHS fully fund new $23M Warm Springs water treatment plant
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funds enable reliable, safe drinking water for 3,800 people
EPA News Release: EPA and IHS fully fund new $23M Warm Springs water treatment plant
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Environmental Study Released for Projects to Mitigate San Diego – Tijuana Transborder Water Pollution
EPA News Release: Environmental Study Released for Projects to Mitigate San Diego – Tijuana Transborder Water Pollution
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EPA Reestablishes Federal Water Pollution Standards for Washington
EPA News Release: EPA Reestablishes Federal Water Pollution Standards for Washington
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EPA Awards California $609 Million in Historic Federal Funding to Improve Water Quality
EPA News Release: EPA Awards California $609 Million in Historic Federal Funding to Improve Water Quality
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EPA to propose requiring Wrangell wastewater plant to disinfect sewage discharges
EPA News Release: EPA to propose requiring Wrangell wastewater plant to disinfect sewage discharges
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EPA Awards Over $14 Million to Improve and Protect Water Quality in Arizona, California, Nevada & Hawaii
Grant funding will support state projects and leverage local partnerships
EPA News Release: EPA Awards Over $14 Million to Improve and Protect Water Quality in Arizona, California, Nevada & Hawaii
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Seaport Refining to Pay $127,000 Penalty Under Settlement with EPA Tied to Refinery in Redwood City
EPA News Release: Seaport Refining to Pay $127,000 Penalty Under Settlement with EPA Tied to Refinery in Redwood City
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USIBWC Awards Contract to Kick Off San Diego - Tijuana Water Infrastructure Projects
EPA News Release: USIBWC Awards Contract to Kick Off San Diego - Tijuana Water Infrastructure Projects
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La EPA ordena a dos parques de casas móviles del Valle de Coachella que proporcionen agua potable segura
EPA News Release: La EPA ordena a dos parques de casas móviles del Valle de Coachella que proporcionen agua potable segura
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EPA orders two Coachella Valley mobile home parks to provide safe drinking water
EPA News Release: EPA orders two Coachella Valley mobile home parks to provide safe drinking water
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EPA Visits San Francisco Bay to Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Clean Water Act, Highlight Investment in Communities
EPA News Release: EPA Visits San Francisco Bay to Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Clean Water Act, Highlight Investment in Communities
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EPA Awards Over $57 Million in Historic Funding to Arizona to Improve Water Quality
EPA News Release: EPA Awards Over $57 Million in Historic Funding to Arizona to Improve Water Quality
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EPA Announces $18 Million WIFIA Loan to Helix Water District for Drinking Water Resiliency in San Diego County
Nationally, 91 WIFIA loans are financing over $33 billion in water infrastructure upgrades, creating 101,000 jobs
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $18 Million WIFIA Loan to Helix Water District for Drinking Water Resiliency in San Diego County
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EPA Announces $225 Million WIFIA Loan to the City of San Diego to Protect Water Quality and Reduce Flood Risks
Nationally, 90 WIFIA loans are financing over $33 billion in water infrastructure upgrades, creating 101,000 jobs
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $225 Million WIFIA Loan to the City of San Diego to Protect Water Quality and Reduce Flood Risks
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EPA Awards $2 Million to UC Berkeley for Research to Advance Water Management and Security
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $2 Million to UC Berkeley for Research to Advance Water Management and Security
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