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Displaying 1 - 15 of 24 results
Las partes acuerdan pagar $150 millones para la limpieza de la cuenca inferior del río Passaic en Nueva Jersey
Parte del sitio Superfund Diamond Alkali
EPA News Release: Las partes acuerdan pagar $150 millones para la limpieza de la cuenca inferior del río Passaic en Nueva Jersey
- Release Date:
Parties Agree to Pay $150 Million Toward Clean Up of the Lower Passaic River in New Jersey
Part of the Diamond Alkali Superfund Site
EPA News Release: Parties Agree to Pay $150 Million Toward Clean Up of the Lower Passaic River in New Jersey
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EPA Awards California $609 Million in Historic Federal Funding to Improve Water Quality
EPA News Release: EPA Awards California $609 Million in Historic Federal Funding to Improve Water Quality
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces Close to $95 Million from EPA’s Clean School Bus Program for School Districts in American Samoa, Arizona, California, Hawaii, and Nevada
Historic investment from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law headed to all 50 states in effort to transform America’s school bus fleet
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces Close to $95 Million from EPA’s Clean School Bus Program for School Districts in American Samoa, Arizona, California, Hawaii, and Nevada
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EPA Cracks Down on Sellers of ‘Defeat Devices’ that Increase Air Pollution
EPA News Release: EPA Cracks Down on Sellers of ‘Defeat Devices’ that Increase Air Pollution
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EPA Settles Clean Air Act Violations for Princeton, N.J. Facility
EPA News Release: EPA Settles Clean Air Act Violations for Princeton, N.J. Facility
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La EPA toma medidas de cumplimiento contra dos compañías de Nueva Jersey por infracciones relacionadas con aerosol pesticida mal etiquetado
EPA News Release: La EPA toma medidas de cumplimiento contra dos compañías de Nueva Jersey por infracciones relacionadas con aerosol pesticida mal etiquetado
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EPA Takes Enforcement Action Against Two New Jersey Companies for Violations Related to Misbranded Pesticide Spray
EPA News Release: EPA Takes Enforcement Action Against Two New Jersey Companies for Violations Related to Misbranded Pesticide Spray
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La EPA ordena a dos parques de casas móviles del Valle de Coachella que proporcionen agua potable segura
EPA News Release: La EPA ordena a dos parques de casas móviles del Valle de Coachella que proporcionen agua potable segura
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EPA orders two Coachella Valley mobile home parks to provide safe drinking water
EPA News Release: EPA orders two Coachella Valley mobile home parks to provide safe drinking water
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EPA Awards over $225,000 to Advance Environmental Justice in Arizona
EPA News Release: EPA Awards over $225,000 to Advance Environmental Justice in Arizona
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EPA Directs Carson City Public Works to Improve Pretreatment Program and Protect Carson River
EPA News Release: EPA Directs Carson City Public Works to Improve Pretreatment Program and Protect Carson River
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EPA Awards over $1 million to Advance Environmental Justice in California
EPA News Release: EPA Awards over $1 million to Advance Environmental Justice in California
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EPA, Department of Interior, and State of New Jersey Secure $4 Million In Funds for PCB Cleanup, Damages, and Costs at Woodbrook Road Superfund Site in New Jersey
EPA News Release: EPA, Department of Interior, and State of New Jersey Secure $4 Million In Funds for PCB Cleanup, Damages, and Costs at Woodbrook Road Superfund Site in New Jersey
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EPA Announces $500K Hawaii Investment, Supported by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, to Revitalize Communities
Oahu Will Receive a Brownfields Assessment Grant Under Nationwide Effort to Build A Better America
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $500K Hawaii Investment, Supported by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, to Revitalize Communities
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