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Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 results
EPA celebrates future and former environmental cleanup and redevelopment projects in Denver
Regional Administrator KC Becker joined by Congresswoman DeGette and other partners to highlight new $500,000 grant funding to City and County of Denver
EPA News Release: EPA celebrates future and former environmental cleanup and redevelopment projects in Denver
- Release Date:
EPA Regional Administrator KC Becker urges eligible school districts in EPA Region 8 states to apply for $500 million in available funding for clean school buses
President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law creates new EPA program to protect children’s health, reduce pollution, and boost American manufacturing
EPA News Release: EPA Regional Administrator KC Becker urges eligible school districts in EPA Region 8 states to apply for $500 million in available funding for clean school buses
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EPA orders online marketplace to stop selling illegal pesticides
Chalk, other illegal and mislabelled products pose serious risks to kids, elderly, pets
EPA News Release: EPA orders online marketplace to stop selling illegal pesticides
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Utah Clean Energy Alliance receives EPA Environmental Justice Small Grant
Project to reduce energy use and improve air quality in Salt Lake area
EPA News Release: Utah Clean Energy Alliance receives EPA Environmental Justice Small Grant
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Colorado organizations receive EPA Environmental Justice Small Grants
EPA News Release: Colorado organizations receive EPA Environmental Justice Small Grants
- Release Date: