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EPA Region 6 Celebrates Children’s Health Month
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 6 is proudly celebrating Children’s Health Month this October by spreading awareness about the importance of protecting children from environmental threats where they live, learn and play.
- Release Date:
EPA Selects Kansas State University to Receive Funding to Deliver Training and Technical Assistance to Brownfield-Impacted Communities in Region 6
EPA News Release: EPA Selects Kansas State University to Receive Funding to Deliver Training and Technical Assistance to Brownfield-Impacted Communities in Region 6
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EPA penalizes Premier Performance $3 million for selling ‘defeat’ devices
Idaho company, affiliates illegally sold devices allowing 3.5 million pounds of illegal emissions per year
EPA News Release: EPA penalizes Premier Performance $3 million for selling ‘defeat’ devices
- Release Date: