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Displaying 1 - 10 of 10 results
EPA Calls for Nominations for the 2021 President’s Environmental Student and Teacher Awards
Applications due by February 19, 2021
EPA News Release: EPA Calls for Nominations for the 2021 President’s Environmental Student and Teacher Awards
- Release Date:
EPA Awards $2,244,492 to Clean Diesel Projects in Georgia
EPA awards up to $73 million nationally for clean diesel projects
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $2,244,492 to Clean Diesel Projects in Georgia
- Release Date:
EPA Announces the Selection of Emory University to Receive $298,502 in Funding to Support Anaerobic Digestion
Nationally, 12 Organizations selected to receive $3 million in funding to support anaerobic digestion in communities
EPA News Release: EPA Announces the Selection of Emory University to Receive $298,502 in Funding to Support Anaerobic Digestion
- Release Date:
EPA Awards $571,670 Grant to Georgia to Fund Metro Atlanta Community-Scale Air Toxics Monitoring
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $571,670 Grant to Georgia to Fund Metro Atlanta Community-Scale Air Toxics Monitoring
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EPA Awards $182,000 Pollution Prevention Funding to Georgia Tech
Nationally, EPA Selects over 40 Organizations to Receive $9.3 Million in Pollution Prevention Grants
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $182,000 Pollution Prevention Funding to Georgia Tech
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EPA Awards $3.8 Million Grant to Improve and Protect Georgia’s Water Quality
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $3.8 Million Grant to Improve and Protect Georgia’s Water Quality
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EPA Awards $60,000 to Organizations in Georgia and North Carolina for 2020 Environmental Justice Small Grants
Agency selects 12 organizations to receive $360,000 nationwide
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $60,000 to Organizations in Georgia and North Carolina for 2020 Environmental Justice Small Grants
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EPA Advises Facility Operators to Prevent and Minimize Releases during Hazardous Weather Events
EPA News Release: EPA Advises Facility Operators to Prevent and Minimize Releases during Hazardous Weather Events
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EPA Selects Four Projects in Georgia to Receive $1.9 Million for Brownfields Cleanup and Assessment
EPA News Release: EPA Selects Four Projects in Georgia to Receive $1.9 Million for Brownfields Cleanup and Assessment
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EPA Announces Grant Opportunity for Pollution Prevention Technical Assistance
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Grant Opportunity for Pollution Prevention Technical Assistance
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