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Grupo de trabajo federal-estatal lanza sitio de recursos de compost en el campo para agricultores y ganaderos
EPA News Release: Grupo de trabajo federal-estatal lanza sitio de recursos de compost en el campo para agricultores y ganaderos
- Release Date:
EPA to Help Schools in Bay Area Create Cleaner Air and Cooling Centers
The schools will receive technical assistance through a new demonstration program called Schools as Community Cleaner Air and Cooling Centers.
EPA News Release: EPA to Help Schools in Bay Area Create Cleaner Air and Cooling Centers
- Release Date:
EPA to Help Pima County Schools Create Cleaner Air and Cooling Centers
The schools will receive technical assistance through a new demonstration program called Schools as Community Cleaner Air and Cooling Centers.
EPA News Release: EPA to Help Pima County Schools Create Cleaner Air and Cooling Centers
- Release Date:
U.S. EPA Penalizes Four California Facilities More Than $800,000 for Clean Air Act Chemical Safety Violations
Under settlements, facility owners will pay fines, make safety improvements
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA Penalizes Four California Facilities More Than $800,000 for Clean Air Act Chemical Safety Violations
- Release Date:
After Successfully Obtaining a Preliminary Injunction, Justice Department and EPA Reach Clean Air Act Settlement with Gear Box Z for Selling Defeat Devices
EPA News Release: After Successfully Obtaining a Preliminary Injunction, Justice Department and EPA Reach Clean Air Act Settlement with Gear Box Z for Selling Defeat Devices
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U.S. EPA penalizes Lupton, Arizona refinery for violating Clean Air Act chemical safety requirements
Under settlement, facility owner and operator will pay fine, make safety improvements at facility
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA penalizes Lupton, Arizona refinery for violating Clean Air Act chemical safety requirements
- Release Date:
Two Health Programs, both in California, Announced as the Winners of U.S. EPA’s National Asthma Management Awards
Central California Asthma Collaborative, Rady Children’s Hospital-San Diego Earn Awards Tied to Asthma Awareness Month
EPA News Release: Two Health Programs, both in California, Announced as the Winners of U.S. EPA’s National Asthma Management Awards
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EPA Releases Case Study on California’s San Pedro Bay Ports Addressing Air Quality and Environmental Justice in Nearby Communities
EPA News Release: EPA Releases Case Study on California’s San Pedro Bay Ports Addressing Air Quality and Environmental Justice in Nearby Communities
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EPA penalizes Arizona Company for selling ‘defeat’ devices
Idaho company, affiliates illegally sold devices allowing 3.5 million pounds of illegal emissions per year
EPA News Release: EPA penalizes Arizona Company for selling ‘defeat’ devices
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U.S. EPA penalizes Salinas, California company over violating Clean Air Act chemical safety requirements
Under settlement, company will pay fine, make safety improvements at facility
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA penalizes Salinas, California company over violating Clean Air Act chemical safety requirements
- Release Date: