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Displaying 1 - 15 of 442 results
San Carlos Apache Tribe, EPA Agree to Bring Tribe’s Wastewater and Drinking Water Systems into Compliance with Federal Law
EPA News Release: San Carlos Apache Tribe, EPA Agree to Bring Tribe’s Wastewater and Drinking Water Systems into Compliance with Federal Law
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Acuerdo de la EPA con AES exige pago de multas y monitoreo por violaciones a la Ley Federal de Aire Limpio en Guayama, Puerto Rico
La empresa operará monitores de aire y pagará una multa de $3.1 millones
EPA News Release: Acuerdo de la EPA con AES exige pago de multas y monitoreo por violaciones a la Ley Federal de Aire Limpio en Guayama, Puerto Rico
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EPA Settlement with AES Requires More Monitoring and Payment of Penalty for Clean Air Act Violations in Guayama, Puerto Rico
Company Will Operate Monitors and Pay $3.1 Million Penalty
EPA News Release: EPA Settlement with AES Requires More Monitoring and Payment of Penalty for Clean Air Act Violations in Guayama, Puerto Rico
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EPA and Partners to Test Options to Remove Drums from Torch Lake in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula
EPA to Hold Open House August 20 in Lake Linden
EPA News Release: EPA and Partners to Test Options to Remove Drums from Torch Lake in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula
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EPA Settles Claims that Arizona Company Violated Clean Air Act in the Navajo Nation
EPA News Release: EPA Settles Claims that Arizona Company Violated Clean Air Act in the Navajo Nation
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Delaware to benefit from $248 million grant for community-driven solutions to cut climate pollution
Department of Transportation is part of a coalition selected by the EPA to receive portion of a Climate Pollution Reduction Grant to tackle climate change, improve air quality, and advance environmental justice
EPA News Release: Delaware to benefit from $248 million grant for community-driven solutions to cut climate pollution
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EPA anuncia $20.4 millones para apoyar la fabricación limpia de materiales de construcción estadounidenses en Nueva York, Nueva Jersey y Puerto Rico
EPA News Release: EPA anuncia $20.4 millones para apoyar la fabricación limpia de materiales de construcción estadounidenses en Nueva York, Nueva Jersey y Puerto Rico
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EPA Announces $20.4 Million to Support Clean U.S. Manufacturing of Construction Materials Across New York, New Jersey, and Puerto Rico
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $20.4 Million to Support Clean U.S. Manufacturing of Construction Materials Across New York, New Jersey, and Puerto Rico
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EPA and Partners Complete Cleanup and Restoration, Open New Trail at Spirit Lake near Duluth, Minnesota
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding accelerated the project, part of the St. Louis River Area of Concern on Lake Superior
EPA News Release: EPA and Partners Complete Cleanup and Restoration, Open New Trail at Spirit Lake near Duluth, Minnesota
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La EPA causa sensación con una adjudicación de $319,000 a Puerto Rico para apoyar el monitoreo de la calidad del agua en las playas a fin de proteger la salud pública
EPA News Release: La EPA causa sensación con una adjudicación de $319,000 a Puerto Rico para apoyar el monitoreo de la calidad del agua en las playas a fin de proteger la salud pública
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EPA Makes a Splash with Award of $319,000 to Puerto Rico to Support Water Quality Monitoring at Beaches to Protect Public Health
EPA News Release: EPA Makes a Splash with Award of $319,000 to Puerto Rico to Support Water Quality Monitoring at Beaches to Protect Public Health
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EPA and Puerto Rico Authorities Announce Funding to Enhance Bayamon’s Wastewater Treatment Plant
EPA News Release: EPA and Puerto Rico Authorities Announce Funding to Enhance Bayamon’s Wastewater Treatment Plant
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La EPA y las autoridades de Puerto Rico anuncian fondos para mejorar la planta de tratamiento de aguas sanitarias de Bayamón
EPA News Release: La EPA y las autoridades de Puerto Rico anuncian fondos para mejorar la planta de tratamiento de aguas sanitarias de Bayamón
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La EPA anuncia más de $3.4 millones en subvenciones Brownfields para rehabilitar y revitalizar comunidades en Puerto Rico
Financiado por una inversión de $1,500 millones en terrenos de Brownfields de la Ley Bipartidista de Infraestructura del presidente Biden
EPA News Release: La EPA anuncia más de $3.4 millones en subvenciones Brownfields para rehabilitar y revitalizar comunidades en Puerto Rico
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EPA Announces More Than $3.4 Million in Brownfield Grants to Rehabilitate and Revitalize Communities in Puerto Rico
Funded by $1.5 billion investment into Brownfields sites from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
EPA News Release: EPA Announces More Than $3.4 Million in Brownfield Grants to Rehabilitate and Revitalize Communities in Puerto Rico
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