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Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 results
EPA awards $110,000 in environmental funding to the Chickahominy Indian Tribe in Virginia
EPA News Release: EPA awards $110,000 in environmental funding to the Chickahominy Indian Tribe in Virginia
- Release Date:
Five Star Urban Waters Grant Awarded to Canaan Valley Institute
With support from EPA, community-led projects will restore urban waters and streams, address water quality in priority watersheds
EPA News Release: Five Star Urban Waters Grant Awarded to Canaan Valley Institute
- Release Date:
Five Star Urban Waters Grant Awarded to Elizabeth River Project
With support from EPA, community-led projects will restore urban waters and streams, address water quality in priority watersheds
EPA News Release: Five Star Urban Waters Grant Awarded to Elizabeth River Project
- Release Date:
EPA selects Virginia’s Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden for $100,000 for community education program to reduce stormwater run-off
EPA News Release: EPA selects Virginia’s Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden for $100,000 for community education program to reduce stormwater run-off
- Release Date:
EPA selects Virginia’s Friends of the Rappahannock for $100,000 Environmental Education grant, professional development for teachers
EPA News Release: EPA selects Virginia’s Friends of the Rappahannock for $100,000 Environmental Education grant, professional development for teachers
- Release Date: