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Displaying 1 - 15 of 100 results
EPA Settlement Will Result in Better and More Resilient Management of Stormwater in Atlantic City
EPA News Release: EPA Settlement Will Result in Better and More Resilient Management of Stormwater in Atlantic City
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La EPA anuncia un préstamo WIFIA de $188.3 millones para mejorar y ampliar los servicios de agua en la Florida Central
EPA News Release: La EPA anuncia un préstamo WIFIA de $188.3 millones para mejorar y ampliar los servicios de agua en la Florida Central
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EPA Announces $188.3 Million WIFIA Loan to Upgrade and Expand Water Services in Central Florida
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $188.3 Million WIFIA Loan to Upgrade and Expand Water Services in Central Florida
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TUESDAY: EPA leaders and Congressman Soto to announce $188M loan to upgrade and expand water services in central Florida
EPA News Release: TUESDAY: EPA leaders and Congressman Soto to announce $188M loan to upgrade and expand water services in central Florida
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La EPA solicita comentarios públicos para la propuesta de limitar las descargas de aguas residuales de los buques dentro de la reserva acuática Indian River-Vero Beach hasta Fort Pierce
EPA News Release: La EPA solicita comentarios públicos para la propuesta de limitar las descargas de aguas residuales de los buques dentro de la reserva acuática Indian River-Vero Beach hasta Fort Pierce
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TUESDAY: EPA leaders and Congressman Soto to announce $188M loan to upgrade and expand water services in central Florida
EPA News Release: TUESDAY: EPA leaders and Congressman Soto to announce $188M loan to upgrade and expand water services in central Florida
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EPA solicits public comment for proposal to limit sewage discharges from vessels within the Indian River-Vero Beach to Fort Pierce Aquatic Preserve
EPA News Release: EPA solicits public comment for proposal to limit sewage discharges from vessels within the Indian River-Vero Beach to Fort Pierce Aquatic Preserve
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EPA and New Jersey Break Ground on Project to Secure Clean Drinking Water for Irvington, NJ
EPA News Release: EPA and New Jersey Break Ground on Project to Secure Clean Drinking Water for Irvington, NJ
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EPA Makes a Splash with Award of $258,000 to New Jersey to Support Water Quality Monitoring at Beaches to Protect Public Health
EPA News Release: EPA Makes a Splash with Award of $258,000 to New Jersey to Support Water Quality Monitoring at Beaches to Protect Public Health
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EPA to Award $9.75 Million in Grants to Support Water Quality Monitoring and Protect the Health of Beachgoers
Southeastern States to receive more than $1.8 Million of the funding total
EPA News Release: EPA to Award $9.75 Million in Grants to Support Water Quality Monitoring and Protect the Health of Beachgoers
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces $1,169,000 in Available Grants to Upgrade Stormwater and Sewer Infrastructure in Florida
Under President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda, EPA offers grant assistance at no cost to small and financially distressed communities
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces $1,169,000 in Available Grants to Upgrade Stormwater and Sewer Infrastructure in Florida
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EPA Announces $6.8 Million for American Samoa Lead Pipe Replacement to Advance Safe Drinking Water
As part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s Investing in America Agenda, EPA announces the latest round of funding toward President Biden’s commitment to replace every lead pipe in the nation, protecting public health and helping to deliver safe drinking
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $6.8 Million for American Samoa Lead Pipe Replacement to Advance Safe Drinking Water
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Biden-Harris Administration announces nearly $23 million for American Samoa drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure upgrades as part of President Biden’s Investing in America agenda
Unprecedented funding from Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is transforming communities across American Samoa
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration announces nearly $23 million for American Samoa drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure upgrades as part of President Biden’s Investing in America agenda
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EPA Proposes Revising Certain Water Quality Standards for Florida’s Waters
EPA News Release: EPA Proposes Revising Certain Water Quality Standards for Florida’s Waters
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EPA Makes nearly $125 Million Investment to Spur Wastewater Infrastructure Improvements Across New Jersey
EPA News Release: EPA Makes nearly $125 Million Investment to Spur Wastewater Infrastructure Improvements Across New Jersey
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