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Displaying 1 - 11 of 11 results
EPA Invites Idaho, Oregon, and Washington Projects to Apply for Water Infrastructure Loans
Projects will help modernize water infrastructure, protect public health, and increase community resilience
EPA News Release: EPA Invites Idaho, Oregon, and Washington Projects to Apply for Water Infrastructure Loans
- Release Date:
EPA reaches settlements with 41 Idaho, Oregon, and Washington home renovators for lead-based paint violations
Lead paint safety training for contractors, community education workshops offered this fall
EPA News Release: EPA reaches settlements with 41 Idaho, Oregon, and Washington home renovators for lead-based paint violations
- Release Date:
EPA and Justice Department reach settlement with Northern Cheyenne Utilities Commission to address Clean Water Act violations in Montana
Settlement reflects joint federal and tribal efforts to protect public health, improve water quality and support tribal utility operations on the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation
EPA News Release: EPA and Justice Department reach settlement with Northern Cheyenne Utilities Commission to address Clean Water Act violations in Montana
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EPA proposes $24k penalty for illegal mining in South Fork Clearwater
EPA News Release: EPA proposes $24k penalty for illegal mining in South Fork Clearwater
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EPA levies $66k penalty against DDM Imports for illegal truck imports
3rd case against Airway Heights, WA company
EPA News Release: EPA levies $66k penalty against DDM Imports for illegal truck imports
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EPA settles federal stormwater violations with Boise builder/developer ZWJ Properties
EPA News Release: EPA settles federal stormwater violations with Boise builder/developer ZWJ Properties
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EPA issues summary of recent Safe Drinking Water Act compliance orders to protect public health in Region 8 Indian country
Seven Administrative Compliance Orders issued to tribal water systems since December 2020
EPA News Release: EPA issues summary of recent Safe Drinking Water Act compliance orders to protect public health in Region 8 Indian country
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EPA settles Boise asbestos case with “Wright Brothers, the Building Company” and “First Team Restoration”
Companies will pay $36,300 penalty for renovation violations
EPA News Release: EPA settles Boise asbestos case with “Wright Brothers, the Building Company” and “First Team Restoration”
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EPA settles federal stormwater violations with North Idaho builder and developer in Coeur d’Alene
EPA News Release: EPA settles federal stormwater violations with North Idaho builder and developer in Coeur d’Alene
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EPA awards Idaho Department of Environmental Quality nearly $2 million to protect water quality statewide
EPA partners with Idaho to protect and restore watersheds, streams and groundwater
EPA News Release: EPA awards Idaho Department of Environmental Quality nearly $2 million to protect water quality statewide
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EPA awards Montana Department of Environmental Quality $1,041,000 to protect water quality
EPA partners with the state to protect and restore watersheds, streams and groundwater
EPA News Release: EPA awards Montana Department of Environmental Quality $1,041,000 to protect water quality
- Release Date: