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Displaying 1 - 15 of 110 results
EPA Announces Kansas Selectee to Receive Nearly $600K in Grants to Help Businesses Prevent Pollution
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Kansas Selectee to Receive Nearly $600K in Grants to Help Businesses Prevent Pollution
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EPA Hosts In-Person Regional Roadshow in KCMO to Help Communities Access Historic Investing in America Funding for Local Climate and Environmental Justice Solutions
EPA News Release: EPA Hosts In-Person Regional Roadshow in KCMO to Help Communities Access Historic Investing in America Funding for Local Climate and Environmental Justice Solutions
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EPA Region 7 Partners with AmeriCorps VISTA to Bring Green Service Opportunities to Midwest
Two St. Louis organizations will accept applications
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 Partners with AmeriCorps VISTA to Bring Green Service Opportunities to Midwest
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EPA Region 7 Invites Public to Attend Virtual Environmental Justice Community Stakeholder Meeting
May 16 outreach event will provide opportunity for attendees to learn more about Region 7’s environmental justice efforts
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 Invites Public to Attend Virtual Environmental Justice Community Stakeholder Meeting
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EPA Honors 2024 ENERGY STAR® Partner of the Year Award Winner in Kansas
Wichita business selected
EPA News Release: EPA Honors 2024 ENERGY STAR® Partner of the Year Award Winner in Kansas
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EPA Announces Most Energy-Efficient Manufacturing Plants of 2023
Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska manufacturing plants are among those recognized for their ENERGY STAR certifications
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Most Energy-Efficient Manufacturing Plants of 2023
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EPA Region 7 Announces $180K Funding Opportunity for Regional Source Reduction Assistance
Pollution prevention projects eligible for funding
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 Announces $180K Funding Opportunity for Regional Source Reduction Assistance
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EPA Region 7 Invites Public to Attend Virtual Environmental Justice Community Stakeholder Meeting
The Feb. 22 outreach event will enable attendees to learn more about Region 7’s environmental justice efforts
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 Invites Public to Attend Virtual Environmental Justice Community Stakeholder Meeting
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La Región 7 de la EPA invita al público a asistir a una reunión virtual de partes interesadas de la comunidad sobre justicia ambiental
El evento de difusión del 22 de febrero permitirá a los asistentes obtener más información sobre las iniciativas de justicia ambiental de la Región 7
EPA News Release: La Región 7 de la EPA invita al público a asistir a una reunión virtual de partes interesadas de la comunidad sobre justicia ambiental
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EPA Administrator Reappoints Leaders from Lincoln, Nebraska, and Willow Springs, Missouri, to National Advisory Committee
First time in Local Government Advisory Committee’s history that membership will have female majority
EPA News Release: EPA Administrator Reappoints Leaders from Lincoln, Nebraska, and Willow Springs, Missouri, to National Advisory Committee
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EPA Selects Kansas State University to Receive $4M in Grant Funding to Provide Technical Assistance to Tribal Nations and Entities Addressing Brownfields
EPA News Release: EPA Selects Kansas State University to Receive $4M in Grant Funding to Provide Technical Assistance to Tribal Nations and Entities Addressing Brownfields
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Biden-Harris Administration Selects RTI International to Receive $100M to Fund Environmental Justice Projects Across U.S., to Include Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska, as Part of Investing in America Agenda
Grantmaker selected to reduce barriers to federal funds and issue thousands of environmental justice grants over the next three years
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Selects RTI International to Receive $100M to Fund Environmental Justice Projects Across U.S., to Include Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska, as Part of Investing in America Agenda
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EPA Announces Over $3.8M in Region 7 for Tribal Recycling Infrastructure Projects and Recycling Education and Outreach Grants as Part of America Recycles Day
On America Recycles Day and the anniversary of President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, EPA announces grants funded in part by the largest recycling investment in 30 years
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Over $3.8M in Region 7 for Tribal Recycling Infrastructure Projects and Recycling Education and Outreach Grants as Part of America Recycles Day
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EPA Announces $1M for Environmental Justice Projects in Kansas as Part of Investing in America Agenda
Selection announced as part of largest investments through EPA’s Environmental Justice Government-to-Government grant program funded by President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $1M for Environmental Justice Projects in Kansas as Part of Investing in America Agenda
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EPA Selects Kansas State University to Receive Nearly $550K Pollution Prevention Grant to Advance Environmental Justice
EPA News Release: EPA Selects Kansas State University to Receive Nearly $550K Pollution Prevention Grant to Advance Environmental Justice
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