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Displaying 1 - 15 of 56 results
EPA announces $6.5M for clean heavy-duty vehicles in Oregon
Funding for zero-emission heavy-duty vehicles, along with infrastructure and workforce development projects, to tackle climate change, reduce air pollution, and advance environmental justice
EPA News Release: EPA announces $6.5M for clean heavy-duty vehicles in Oregon
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EPA settlement with Hi-Noon Petroleum resolves gasoline spill to creek in Yellowstone NP
EPA News Release: EPA settlement with Hi-Noon Petroleum resolves gasoline spill to creek in Yellowstone NP
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Portland company fined $139,000 for Clean Air Act violations
EPA News Release: Portland company fined $139,000 for Clean Air Act violations
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EPA report provides toxic chemical release information for your state or Tribe
Updated 10-year report shows decreases in chemical releases nationally and regionally
EPA News Release: EPA report provides toxic chemical release information for your state or Tribe
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EPA Region 10 enforcement actions in 2023
EPA News Release: EPA Region 10 enforcement actions in 2023
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EPA invests $3B into clean ports
EPA opens two grant competitions funding zero-emission port equipment, infrastructure and planning to tackle the climate crisis, reduce pollution and advance environmental justice
EPA News Release: EPA invests $3B into clean ports
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EPA requires Calumet Montana Refining to correct chemical risk management violations at Great Falls facility
Company pays fine, addresses Clean Air Act deficiencies
EPA News Release: EPA requires Calumet Montana Refining to correct chemical risk management violations at Great Falls facility
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Biden-Harris Administration announces $3 million for Environmental Justice projects in communities across Montana as part of Investing in America Agenda
Projects announced as part of largest investments through EPA’s Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem Solving Cooperative Agreement and Environmental Justice Government-to-Government grant programs funded by President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration announces $3 million for Environmental Justice projects in communities across Montana as part of Investing in America Agenda
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EPA penalizes Oregon lumber company nearly $50,000 for Clean Water Act violations
EPA News Release: EPA penalizes Oregon lumber company nearly $50,000 for Clean Water Act violations
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EPA penalizes American Seafoods Company almost $1M for Clean Water Act violations off Oregon, Washington coasts
EPA News Release: EPA penalizes American Seafoods Company almost $1M for Clean Water Act violations off Oregon, Washington coasts
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EPA announces $4.6b in pollution reduction grants for Pacific Northwest, Alaska
EPA News Release: EPA announces $4.6b in pollution reduction grants for Pacific Northwest, Alaska
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Belle Fourche and Bridger Pipeline companies to pay $12.5 million in penalties and improve compliance after pipeline spills in Montana and North Dakota
Agreement protects public health, safety, and the environment by requiring action to make future spills less likely
EPA News Release: Belle Fourche and Bridger Pipeline companies to pay $12.5 million in penalties and improve compliance after pipeline spills in Montana and North Dakota
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EPA penalizes Oregon company over $148,000 for installing ‘defeat devices’
EPA News Release: EPA penalizes Oregon company over $148,000 for installing ‘defeat devices’
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City of Sandy must pay $500,000 in penalties, limit sewer hookups under new agreement with EPA, USDOJ, DEQ
EPA News Release: City of Sandy must pay $500,000 in penalties, limit sewer hookups under new agreement with EPA, USDOJ, DEQ
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EPA proposes Clean Water Act settlement on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation in Montana
Proposed penalty addresses violations at the Browning Lagoon Wastewater Treatment Facility and Two Medicine Water Treatment Plant
EPA News Release: EPA proposes Clean Water Act settlement on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation in Montana
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