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Colorado and Utah projects among $77 million in grants for diesel emissions reductions nationwide
EPA grants will result in cleaner vehicles, reduced emissions in air quality non-attainment areas
EPA News Release: Colorado and Utah projects among $77 million in grants for diesel emissions reductions nationwide
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EPA and Justice Department reach settlement with Northern Cheyenne Utilities Commission to address Clean Water Act violations in Montana
Settlement reflects joint federal and tribal efforts to protect public health, improve water quality and support tribal utility operations on the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation
EPA News Release: EPA and Justice Department reach settlement with Northern Cheyenne Utilities Commission to address Clean Water Act violations in Montana
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EPA reaches settlement with landowners in Duchesne County, Utah to restore Duchesne River and floodplain on Uintah and Ouray Reservation
Karl and David Lamb to restore portions of the Duchesne River and floodplain impacted by unpermitted construction activities
EPA News Release: EPA reaches settlement with landowners in Duchesne County, Utah to restore Duchesne River and floodplain on Uintah and Ouray Reservation
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EPA redesignates Logan (Cache County), Utah to attainment for Clean Air standards for fine particulates
Milestone in Utah’s air quality improvement efforts
EPA News Release: EPA redesignates Logan (Cache County), Utah to attainment for Clean Air standards for fine particulates
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EPA awards $500,000 to clean up 25 school buses in Region 8 states
EPA News Release: EPA awards $500,000 to clean up 25 school buses in Region 8 states
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EPA issues summary of recent Safe Drinking Water Act compliance orders to protect public health in Region 8 Indian country
Seven Administrative Compliance Orders issued to tribal water systems since December 2020
EPA News Release: EPA issues summary of recent Safe Drinking Water Act compliance orders to protect public health in Region 8 Indian country
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U.S. settles with U.S. Magnesium, the largest producer of magnesium metal in the Northern Hemisphere, for alleged illegal disposal of hazardous waste at Rowley, Utah facility
Magnesium metal producer commits to process changes to treat its waste streams to remove dioxins, furans, hexachlorobenzene and PCBs to reduce environmental impacts from its operations
EPA News Release: U.S. settles with U.S. Magnesium, the largest producer of magnesium metal in the Northern Hemisphere, for alleged illegal disposal of hazardous waste at Rowley, Utah facility
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Big West Oil, LLC resolves chemical risk management violations at North Salt Lake facility
Company corrects Clean Air Act deficiencies to reduce risk of accidental release of flammable mixtures and hydrofluoric acid
EPA News Release: Big West Oil, LLC resolves chemical risk management violations at North Salt Lake facility
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