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EPA Settlement with Synagro Northeast and City of Woonsocket Will Address Air Emissions
EPA News Release: EPA Settlement with Synagro Northeast and City of Woonsocket Will Address Air Emissions
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EPA Announces 13 Healthy Communities Grants Awarded in New England
EPA News Release: EPA Announces 13 Healthy Communities Grants Awarded in New England
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EPA reaches settlements with 41 Idaho, Oregon, and Washington home renovators for lead-based paint violations
Lead paint safety training for contractors, community education workshops offered this fall
EPA News Release: EPA reaches settlements with 41 Idaho, Oregon, and Washington home renovators for lead-based paint violations
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Three New England Facilities Provide Public with Chemical Information under EPA Settlements
EPA News Release: Three New England Facilities Provide Public with Chemical Information under EPA Settlements
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EPA settles with Riverbend Landfill in McMinnville over toxic air emissions
Waste Management, Inc., agrees to pay $104k penalty and make immediate improvements
EPA News Release: EPA settles with Riverbend Landfill in McMinnville over toxic air emissions
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EPA fines Portland, Oregon glass company $39k for violating toxic chemical reporting rules
Owens-Brockway Glass failed to report chromium used in glassmaking
EPA News Release: EPA fines Portland, Oregon glass company $39k for violating toxic chemical reporting rules
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EPA settles with Union Pacific Railroad for Clean Water Act Violations in Oregon
Settlement resolves claims stemming from 2016 UPRR train derailment, spill, and fire
EPA News Release: EPA settles with Union Pacific Railroad for Clean Water Act Violations in Oregon
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Enforcement of Clean Air Act Results in Settlement with Atlantic County Utilities Authority
EPA News Release: Enforcement of Clean Air Act Results in Settlement with Atlantic County Utilities Authority
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Settlement Will Result in Improved Stormwater Controls at Newport Naval Station
EPA News Release: Settlement Will Result in Improved Stormwater Controls at Newport Naval Station
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EPA Settlement with Trucking Company will Improve Safety Measures at No. Smithfield, R.I. Facility
EPA News Release: EPA Settlement with Trucking Company will Improve Safety Measures at No. Smithfield, R.I. Facility
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EPA penalizes Univar Solutions USA $165,000 for violations of federal pesticide laws
EPA News Release: EPA penalizes Univar Solutions USA $165,000 for violations of federal pesticide laws
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EPA reaches major cleanup agreement for the Portland Harbor Superfund Site, 100 percent of site now in active engineering design phase
Settlement with businesses, federal, state, and local agencies for remedial design of the Swan Island Basin area brings the last and largest area into active cleanup work
EPA News Release: EPA reaches major cleanup agreement for the Portland Harbor Superfund Site, 100 percent of site now in active engineering design phase
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EPA Settlement Requires Dyno Nobel to Improve Chemical Safety at St. Helens, Oregon, Facility
EPA News Release: EPA Settlement Requires Dyno Nobel to Improve Chemical Safety at St. Helens, Oregon, Facility
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