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Utah Clean Energy Alliance receives EPA Environmental Justice Small Grant
Project to reduce energy use and improve air quality in Salt Lake area
EPA News Release: Utah Clean Energy Alliance receives EPA Environmental Justice Small Grant
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EPA Superfund site deletions in 2019 provide lasting benefit to communities in Region 8
Deletions in Colorado, Montana, Utah and Wyoming contribute to largest national tally since 2001
EPA News Release: EPA Superfund site deletions in 2019 provide lasting benefit to communities in Region 8
- Release Date:
EPA deletes Utah and Wyoming sites from Superfund list
Deletion of sites from National Priorities List reflect new emphasis on Superfund program progress
EPA News Release: EPA deletes Utah and Wyoming sites from Superfund list
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EPA visits Turtle Mountain Reservation to deliver $500K to clean up and redevelop residential buildings in Belcourt and Dunseith, North Dakota
Brownfields grant to secure much-needed housing and office space
EPA News Release: EPA visits Turtle Mountain Reservation to deliver $500K to clean up and redevelop residential buildings in Belcourt and Dunseith, North Dakota
- Release Date:
EPA awards $600K to support the cleanup and redevelopment of properties in Salt Lake County, Salt Lake City and Murray City
Brownfields coalition grant to catalyze economic revitalization at Camp Kearns and other targeted areas
EPA News Release: EPA awards $600K to support the cleanup and redevelopment of properties in Salt Lake County, Salt Lake City and Murray City
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EPA visits Orem, Utah to announce $300K Brownfields grant to advance cleanup and redevelopment projects
Tour hosted by Mayor Brunst highlights City’s exemplary efforts to revitalize former industrial properties
EPA News Release: EPA visits Orem, Utah to announce $300K Brownfields grant to advance cleanup and redevelopment projects
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