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EPA Announces $105 Million WIFIA Loan to Improve Water Infrastructure in Sarasota County, Florida
Nationally, 67 WIFIA loans are financing $27 billion in water infrastructure upgrades, creating 77,000 jobs
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $105 Million WIFIA Loan to Improve Water Infrastructure in Sarasota County, Florida
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EPA Announces $81 Million WIFIA Loan to Upgrade Water Infrastructure in Sacramento, California
Nationally, 66 WIFIA loans are financing nearly $27 billion in water infrastructure upgrades, creating 76,000 jobs
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $81 Million WIFIA Loan to Upgrade Water Infrastructure in Sacramento, California
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EPA Announces Nationwide Monitoring Effort to Better Understand Extent of PFAS in Drinking Water
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Nationwide Monitoring Effort to Better Understand Extent of PFAS in Drinking Water
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La EPA anuncia la intención de reforzar las regulaciones sobre plomo y cobre, apoyar la eliminación proactiva de líneas de servicio de plomo en todo el país
Comunicado de prensa de la EPA: El administrador de la EPA anunció que la agencia comenzará a desarrollar una nueva regulación para proteger mejor a las comunidades contra la exposición al plomo en el agua potable.
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EPA Announces Intent to Strengthen Lead and Copper Regulations, Support Proactive Lead Service Line Removal Across the Country
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Intent to Strengthen Lead and Copper Regulations, Support Proactive Lead Service Line Removal Across the Country
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La EPA anuncia $14.1 millones para financiar 133 subvenciones de justicia ambiental
Comunicado de prensa de la EPA: La EPA anuncia $14.1 millones para financiar 133 subvenciones de justicia ambiental.
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EPA Announces Over $3 Million in Funding to Small Businesses to Develop Environmental Technologies
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Over $3 Million in Funding to Small Businesses to Develop Environmental Technologies
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EPA Opens $20 Million Grant Competition for Community Air Pollution Monitoring
Air monitoring projects can help foster transparency and accountability to reduce pollution in underserved communities
EPA News Release: EPA Opens $20 Million Grant Competition for Community Air Pollution Monitoring
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EPA Announces $22 Million WIFIA Loan to Modernize Water Infrastructure in Erie County, New York
Nationally, 65 WIFIA loans are financing over $26 billion in water infrastructure upgrades, creating over 75,000 jobs
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $22 Million WIFIA Loan to Modernize Water Infrastructure in Erie County, New York
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EPA Announces $275 Million WIFIA Loan to Improve Water Infrastructure in New Orleans, Louisiana
Nationally, 64 WIFIA loans are financing over $26 billion in water infrastructure upgrades, creating 74,000 jobs
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $275 Million WIFIA Loan to Improve Water Infrastructure in New Orleans, Louisiana
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وكالة حماية البيئة تعلن تمويل البنية التحتية للمياه للولايات تماشيًا مع قانون الحزبين للبنية التحتية، كما تدعو لمنح الأولوية للمجتمعات ناقصة الخدمات
Arabic translation of Water Infrastructure to states thru the BIL.
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EPA Invites 39 New Projects to Apply for Water Infrastructure Loans
Projects will help modernize water infrastructure for 25 million Americans while creating up to 49,000 jobs
EPA News Release: EPA Invites 39 New Projects to Apply for Water Infrastructure Loans
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EPA Announces Water Infrastructure Funding for States Through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Calls for Prioritizing Underserved Communities
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Water Infrastructure Funding for States Through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Calls for Prioritizing Underserved Communities
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La EPA anuncia financiamiento de infraestructura de agua para los estados mediante la Ley Bipartidista de Infraestructura, llama a asignar prioridad a las comunidades marginadas
Comunicado de prensa de la EPA: La EPA anuncia financiamiento de infraestructura de agua para los estados mediante la Ley Bipartidista de Infraestructura, llama a asignar prioridad a las comunidades marginadas.
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وكالة حماية البيئة تعلن تمويل البنية التحتية للمياه للولايات تماشيًا مع قانون الحزبين للبنية التحتية، كما تدعو لمنح الأولوية للمجتمعات ناقصة الخدمات
Arabic translation of EPA press release: EPA Announces Water Infrastructure Funding for States through Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Calls for Prioritizing for Underserved Communities
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