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EPA and Army Finalize Rule Establishing Definition of WOTUS and Restoring Fundamental Water Protections
EPA News Release: EPA and Army Finalize Rule Establishing Definition of WOTUS and Restoring Fundamental Water Protections
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EPA enters into Consent Agreement and Issues Final Order to Denka Performance Elastomer in LaPlace, La., for Violation of Hazardous Waste Regulations
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency entered into a consent agreement with Denka Performance Elastomer, LLC and issued a final order to address certain waste management practices at the company’s facility in LaPlace, Louisiana.
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Koloa Zipline and Kauai ATV to Pay $45k to Resolve Safe Drinking Water Act Violation Claim
EPA News Release: Koloa Zipline and Kauai ATV to Pay $45k to Resolve Safe Drinking Water Act Violation Claim
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EPA and IHS fully fund new $23M Warm Springs water treatment plant
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funds enable reliable, safe drinking water for 3,800 people
EPA News Release: EPA and IHS fully fund new $23M Warm Springs water treatment plant
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Bellevue, Nebraska, Site Added to Superfund National Priorities List
Addition to National Priorities List will allow remediation efforts of PCE Carriage Cleaners Site to be funded by EPA
EPA News Release: Bellevue, Nebraska, Site Added to Superfund National Priorities List
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EPA proposes Clean Water Act settlement on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation in Montana
Proposed penalty addresses violations at the Browning Lagoon Wastewater Treatment Facility and Two Medicine Water Treatment Plant
EPA News Release: EPA proposes Clean Water Act settlement on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation in Montana
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EPA Announces $263 Million WIFIA Loan to Boise, Idaho to Modernize Wastewater Infrastructure and help recharge the Boise River water supply
Nationally, 95 WIFIA loans are financing $35 billion in water infrastructure upgrades, creating 106,000 jobs
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $263 Million WIFIA Loan to Boise, Idaho to Modernize Wastewater Infrastructure and help recharge the Boise River water supply
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EPA settles with Red Mountain Truck Lines for Butte, Montana fuel spill
Company to pay Clean Water Act penalty for discharge of fuel into Blacktail Creek
EPA News Release: EPA settles with Red Mountain Truck Lines for Butte, Montana fuel spill
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NEWS UPDATE #5: TC Energy Pipeline Rupture and Oil Discharge Near Washington, Kansas
EPA personnel continue to oversee cleanup operations of Mill Creek and surrounding area
EPA News Release: NEWS UPDATE #5: TC Energy Pipeline Rupture and Oil Discharge Near Washington, Kansas
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EPA Highlights Ongoing Progress in the Rouge River Area of Concern in Southeast Michigan
EPA News Release: EPA Highlights Ongoing Progress in the Rouge River Area of Concern in Southeast Michigan
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EPA takes action to address pollution violations at Kailua Wastewater Treatment Plant
EPA News Release: EPA takes action to address pollution violations at Kailua Wastewater Treatment Plant
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EPA Fines Knouse Foods of Central PA $230,000 for 120 Violations of Pollution Laws
Settlement protects waters leading into Chesapeake Bay
EPA News Release: EPA Fines Knouse Foods of Central PA $230,000 for 120 Violations of Pollution Laws
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NEWS UPDATE #4: TC Energy Pipeline Rupture and Oil Discharge Near Washington, Kansas
EPA personnel continue to remain on-scene monitoring cleanup activities
EPA News Release: NEWS UPDATE #4: TC Energy Pipeline Rupture and Oil Discharge Near Washington, Kansas
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$10.3 Million in Grants Awarded to Improve the Health of Long Island Sound
EPA News Release: $10.3 Million in Grants Awarded to Improve the Health of Long Island Sound
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EPA Announces $25.7 Million in Grants to Support Water Systems in Rural and Small Communities
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $25.7 Million in Grants to Support Water Systems in Rural and Small Communities
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