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Displaying 1 - 15 of 626 results
$3.6 Million EPA Grant to Ontario, Calif., to Spur Recycling, Reduce Food Waste
EPA News Release: $3.6 Million EPA Grant to Ontario, Calif., to Spur Recycling, Reduce Food Waste
- Release Date:
Biden-Harris Administration Selects Texas Southern University to Receive $50,000,000 to Fund Environmental Justice Projects Across Region 6
Grantmaker selected to reduce barriers to federal funds and issue thousands of environmental justice grants over the next three years
As part of President Biden’s Investing in America agenda, the Biden-Harris Administration announced the Texas Southern University has been selected to serve as Regional Grantmaker.
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EPA Reaches Agreement to Advance the Cleanup of the San German Superfund Site in Puerto Rico
EPA News Release: EPA Reaches Agreement to Advance the Cleanup of the San German Superfund Site in Puerto Rico
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EPA completes cleanup at 187 properties this year at the Jacobsville Superfund Site in Evansville, Indiana
Work will shut down for winter months and resume in the spring
EPA News Release: EPA completes cleanup at 187 properties this year at the Jacobsville Superfund Site in Evansville, Indiana
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EPA New England Provides Tips for a Healthier Heating Season
EPA News Release: EPA New England Provides Tips for a Healthier Heating Season
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Biden-Harris Administration Selects RTI International to Receive $100M to Fund Environmental Justice Projects Across U.S., to Include Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska, as Part of Investing in America Agenda
Grantmaker selected to reduce barriers to federal funds and issue thousands of environmental justice grants over the next three years
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Selects RTI International to Receive $100M to Fund Environmental Justice Projects Across U.S., to Include Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska, as Part of Investing in America Agenda
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EPA completes reviews at six Mass. Superfund sites
EPA News Release: EPA completes reviews at six Mass. Superfund sites
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Biden-Harris Administration Selects California-Based Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs, Inc. to Receive $50 Million to Fund Environmental Justice Projects
As part of the Investing in America agenda, Grantmakers selected to reduce barriers to federal funds and issue thousands of environmental justice grants over the next three years
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Selects California-Based Social and Environmental Entrepreneurs, Inc. to Receive $50 Million to Fund Environmental Justice Projects
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Biden-Harris Administration selects Denver-based JSI Research and Training Institute to receive $50M to fund Environmental Justice projects as part of Investing in America Agenda
Nonprofit to reduce barriers to federal funds and issue Environmental Justice grants across EPA Region 8 over the next three years
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration selects Denver-based JSI Research and Training Institute to receive $50M to fund Environmental Justice projects as part of Investing in America Agenda
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EPA completes reviews at four Conn. Superfund sites
EPA News Release: EPA completes reviews at four Conn. Superfund sites
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Biden-Harris Administration Selects Research Triangle Institute to Receive $100 million to Fund Environmental Justice Projects Across the Region 4 as Part of Investing in America Agenda
Grantmaker selected to reduce barriers to federal funds and issue thousands of environmental justice grants over the next three years
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Selects Research Triangle Institute to Receive $100 million to Fund Environmental Justice Projects Across the Region 4 as Part of Investing in America Agenda
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EPA completes reviews at four Rhode Island Superfund sites
EPA News Release: EPA completes reviews at four Rhode Island Superfund sites
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EPA completes reviews at five New Hampshire Superfund sites
EPA News Release: EPA completes reviews at five New Hampshire Superfund sites
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Biden-Harris Administration selects Health Resources in Action to receive $50,000,000 to fund environmental justice projects across New England as part of Investing in America agenda
Grantmakers selected to reduce barriers to federal funds and issue thousands of environmental justice grants over the next three years
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration selects Health Resources in Action to receive $50,000,000 to fund environmental justice projects across New England as part of Investing in America agenda
- Release Date:
Biden-Harris Administration Announces $600M to 11 Grantmakers to Fund Thousands of Environmental Justice Projects Across the Nation as Part of Investing in America Agenda
Grantmakers selected to reduce barriers to federal funds and issue thousands of environmental justice grants over the next three years
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces $600M to 11 Grantmakers to Fund Thousands of Environmental Justice Projects Across the Nation as Part of Investing in America Agenda
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