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EPA Wraps Up A Year of Significant Accomplishments
Agency actions address the climate crisis, advance environmental justice, protect the health of communities, and restore the role of science
EPA News Release: EPA Wraps Up A Year of Significant Accomplishments
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EPA Issues Emergency Orders to Three Mobile Home Parks in Thermal, Calif., to Ensure Drinking Water is Safe for Residents
Agency also fines Indian Village Mobile Home Park for failing to comply with previous order
EPA News Release: EPA Issues Emergency Orders to Three Mobile Home Parks in Thermal, Calif., to Ensure Drinking Water is Safe for Residents
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EPA Expands TRI Reporting Requirements for Ethylene Oxide and Ethylene Glycol by Requiring Reporting for 29 Sterilization Facilities
EPA News Release: EPA Expands TRI Reporting Requirements for Ethylene Oxide and Ethylene Glycol by Requiring Reporting for 29 Sterilization Facilities
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EPA Announces $105 Million WIFIA Loan to Improve Water Infrastructure in Sarasota County, Florida
Nationally, 67 WIFIA loans are financing $27 billion in water infrastructure upgrades, creating 77,000 jobs
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $105 Million WIFIA Loan to Improve Water Infrastructure in Sarasota County, Florida
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EPA’s New Report Shows How Climate Change is Influencing Seasonal Events in the U.S. and Impacting Peoples’ Health and Environment
EPA News Release: EPA’s New Report Shows How Climate Change is Influencing Seasonal Events in the U.S. and Impacting Peoples’ Health and Environment
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EPA Announces $81 Million WIFIA Loan to Upgrade Water Infrastructure in Sacramento, California
Nationally, 66 WIFIA loans are financing nearly $27 billion in water infrastructure upgrades, creating 76,000 jobs
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $81 Million WIFIA Loan to Upgrade Water Infrastructure in Sacramento, California
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EPA Announces Nationwide Monitoring Effort to Better Understand Extent of PFAS in Drinking Water
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Nationwide Monitoring Effort to Better Understand Extent of PFAS in Drinking Water
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EPA Reaches Settlement with a Montague, Mass. Food Manufacturing Company for Clean Water Act Pretreatment Violations
EPA News Release: EPA Reaches Settlement with a Montague, Mass. Food Manufacturing Company for Clean Water Act Pretreatment Violations
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EPA and City of Fall River Agree on Five-Year Plan for Fixing Wastewater Infrastructure and Reducing Combined Sewer Overflows into Local Waterways
EPA News Release: EPA and City of Fall River Agree on Five-Year Plan for Fixing Wastewater Infrastructure and Reducing Combined Sewer Overflows into Local Waterways
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EPA Finalizes Greenhouse Gas Standards for Passenger Vehicles, Paving Way for a Zero-Emissions Future
EPA News Release: EPA Finalizes Greenhouse Gas Standards for Passenger Vehicles, Paving Way for a Zero-Emissions Future
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EPA Announces York, Nebraska, Superfund Site to Receive Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Funding
EPA plans to use first $1B from Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to clear out the Superfund backlog and accelerate cleanup for dozens of additional Superfund projects
EPA News Release: EPA Announces York, Nebraska, Superfund Site to Receive Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Funding
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United States Fines BNSF $1.5 Million for Alleged Clean Water Act Violations
EPA News Release: United States Fines BNSF $1.5 Million for Alleged Clean Water Act Violations
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EPA Announces Two Missouri National Priority List Superfund Sites to Receive Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Funding
EPA plans to use first $1B from Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to clear out the Superfund backlog and accelerate cleanup for dozens of additional Superfund projects
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Two Missouri National Priority List Superfund Sites to Receive Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Funding
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EPA Announces Cherokee County, Kansas, Superfund Site to Receive Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Funding
EPA plans to use first $1B from Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to clear out the Superfund backlog and accelerate cleanup for dozens of additional Superfund projects
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Cherokee County, Kansas, Superfund Site to Receive Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Funding
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EPA Region 7 Announces Environmental Justice Grant Funding for Eight Community-Driven Projects in Missouri and Nebraska
EPA News Release: EPA Region 7 Announces Environmental Justice Grant Funding for Eight Community-Driven Projects in Missouri and Nebraska
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