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Biden-Harris Administration Proposes to Strengthen the Lead and Copper Rule to Protect All Communities in America from Lead in Drinking Water
EPA proposal would accelerate progress toward achieving President Biden’s goal of removing 100% of lead pipes
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Proposes to Strengthen the Lead and Copper Rule to Protect All Communities in America from Lead in Drinking Water
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EPA Fines Iowa Ethanol Producer for Alleged Clean Air Act Violations
EPA News Release: EPA Fines Iowa Ethanol Producer for Alleged Clean Air Act Violations
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EPA Region 3 Awards Over $77M for Clean Water and Drinking Water Infrastructure Upgrades in Delaware
Made possible by President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda, new funding will help ensure communities have access to clean waterways and safe drinking water
EPA News Release: EPA Region 3 Awards Over $77M for Clean Water and Drinking Water Infrastructure Upgrades in Delaware
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EPA Region 3 Awards More Than $109M for Water Infrastructure Upgrades in West Virginia
New funding will ensure communities have access to clean waterways and safe drinking water
EPA News Release: EPA Region 3 Awards More Than $109M for Water Infrastructure Upgrades in West Virginia
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EPA Region 3 Awards Nearly $387M for Clean Water and Drinking Water Infrastructure Upgrades in Pennsylvania
Made possible by President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda, new funding will help ensure communities have access to clean waterways and safe drinking water
EPA News Release: EPA Region 3 Awards Nearly $387M for Clean Water and Drinking Water Infrastructure Upgrades in Pennsylvania
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EPA Region 3 awards more than $62.36 million for Clean Water Infrastructure Upgrades in Virginia
Made possible by President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda, new funding will help ensure communities have access to clean waterways
EPA News Release: EPA Region 3 awards more than $62.36 million for Clean Water Infrastructure Upgrades in Virginia
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EPA Region 3 Awards Nearly $128M for Clean Water and Drinking Water Infrastructure Upgrades in the District of Columbia
Made possible by President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda, new funding will help ensure communities have access to clean waterways and safe drinking water
EPA News Release: EPA Region 3 Awards Nearly $128M for Clean Water and Drinking Water Infrastructure Upgrades in the District of Columbia
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EPA Region 3 Awards More Than $240M for Clean Water and Drinking Water Infrastructure Upgrades in Maryland
Made possible by President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda, new funding will help ensure communities have access to clean waterways and safe drinking water
EPA News Release: EPA Region 3 Awards More Than $240M for Clean Water and Drinking Water Infrastructure Upgrades in Maryland
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EPA ensuring community's right to know through two Rhode Island settlements
EPA News Release: EPA ensuring community's right to know through two Rhode Island settlements
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National Ice Cream Manufacturer Agrees to Pay Penalty for Clean Air Act Violations and Audit the Safety of Six Facilities Nationwide
EPA News Release: National Ice Cream Manufacturer Agrees to Pay Penalty for Clean Air Act Violations and Audit the Safety of Six Facilities Nationwide
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Governo Biden-Harris anuncia US$ 2 bilhões para financiar subsídios para a mudança comunitária no âmbito da justiça ambiental e climática como parte da iniciativa Investing in America
O Escritório de Justiça Ambiental e Direitos Civis Externos da EPA anuncia o maior investimento exclusivo no âmbito da justiça ambiental da história, financiado pela Lei de Redução da Inflação do Presidente Biden
EPA News Release: Governo Biden-Harris anuncia US$ 2 bilhões para financiar subsídios para a mudança comunitária no âmbito da justiça ambiental e climática como parte da iniciativa Investing in America
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Ingredion to Spend $8 Million in Settlement Over Violations Involving Emissions of Particulate Matter at Indianapolis Corn Wet Mill
EPA News Release: Ingredion to Spend $8 Million in Settlement Over Violations Involving Emissions of Particulate Matter at Indianapolis Corn Wet Mill
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EPA finalizes action on Fairbanks air plan, partners with state on new one, provides $10 million for more woodstove change-outs & natural gas expansion in Fairbanks, North Star Borough
EPA News Release: EPA finalizes action on Fairbanks air plan, partners with state on new one, provides $10 million for more woodstove change-outs & natural gas expansion in Fairbanks, North Star Borough
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Electron Hydro to pay $1 million Clean Water Act penalty for 2020 artificial turf, tire crumb discharge into Puyallup River
EPA News Release: Electron Hydro to pay $1 million Clean Water Act penalty for 2020 artificial turf, tire crumb discharge into Puyallup River
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EPA Announces $92 Million WIFIA Loan to Santa Clara Valley Water District
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $92 Million WIFIA Loan to Santa Clara Valley Water District
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