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EPA Increases Clarity, Eases Implementation of Heavy Duty Vehicle Regulations while Proposing further Improvements
EPA News Release: EPA Increases Clarity, Eases Implementation of Heavy Duty Vehicle Regulations while Proposing further Improvements
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Trump EPA Finalizes First Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards for Aircraft, Codifies Record of Reducing the Most GHGs in U.S. History
Supports domestic aircraft manufacturing, commonsense regulation to maintain global competitiveness
EPA News Release: Trump EPA Finalizes First Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards for Aircraft, Codifies Record of Reducing the Most GHGs in U.S. History
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EPA Region 10 Issues Outdoor Burn Ban for the Yakama Reservation in Washington
All outdoor open burning on the Yakama Reservation is prohibited due to stagnant and unhealthy air conditions
EPA News Release: EPA Region 10 Issues Outdoor Burn Ban for the Yakama Reservation in Washington
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EPA Finalizes Ozone NAAQS, Retaining Current Standards
Trump Administration meets 5-year statutory deadline, congressional intent for second time in Clean Air Act history
EPA News Release: EPA Finalizes Ozone NAAQS, Retaining Current Standards
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EPA Awards Grant to Marshall University Student Team for Innovative Technology Project
EPA News Release: EPA Awards Grant to Marshall University Student Team for Innovative Technology Project
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Crowley Fuels pays over $1 million for environmental, public safety violations in Alaska
EPA News Release: Crowley Fuels pays over $1 million for environmental, public safety violations in Alaska
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EPA awards $1 million to the District of Columbia to control polluted runoff, restore water quality
EPA News Release: EPA awards $1 million to the District of Columbia to control polluted runoff, restore water quality
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EPA and Tacoma Power grants help Northwest Seaport Alliance to install first permanent fleet of electric cargo-handling equipment
EPA News Release: EPA and Tacoma Power grants help Northwest Seaport Alliance to install first permanent fleet of electric cargo-handling equipment
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EPA concludes hazardous waste cleanups in California after wildfires
Agency’s work was first element in two-phase recovery process for burned properties
EPA News Release: EPA concludes hazardous waste cleanups in California after wildfires
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Texas Water Development Board receives over $3.3 million to help improve drinking water
EPA News Release: Texas Water Development Board receives over $3.3 million to help improve drinking water
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EPA Awards Grants to Student Teams in Florida for Innovative Technology Projects
EPA News Release: EPA Awards Grants to Student Teams in Florida for Innovative Technology Projects
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EPA Awards Grants to Student Teams in Alabama for Innovative Technology Projects
EPA News Release: EPA Awards Grants to Student Teams in Alabama for Innovative Technology Projects
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EPA Awards Nearly $100,000 to Student Teams in Ohio for Innovative Technology Projects
EPA News Release: EPA Awards Nearly $100,000 to Student Teams in Ohio for Innovative Technology Projects
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EPA Region 2 Awards Grants to Student Teams in New Jersey and New York for Innovative Technology Projects
EPA News Release: EPA Region 2 Awards Grants to Student Teams in New Jersey and New York for Innovative Technology Projects
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Student Team from Hamline University Awarded Nearly $25,000 EPA Grant for Innovative Technology Projects
EPA News Release: Student Team from Hamline University Awarded Nearly $25,000 EPA Grant for Innovative Technology Projects
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