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EPA proposes Clean Water Act settlement on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation in Montana
Proposed penalty addresses violations at the Browning Lagoon Wastewater Treatment Facility and Two Medicine Water Treatment Plant
EPA News Release: EPA proposes Clean Water Act settlement on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation in Montana
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EPA settles with Red Mountain Truck Lines for Butte, Montana fuel spill
Company to pay Clean Water Act penalty for discharge of fuel into Blacktail Creek
EPA News Release: EPA settles with Red Mountain Truck Lines for Butte, Montana fuel spill
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EPA finds Denver Water’s Lead Reduction Program effective
Funding from Bipartisan Infrastructure Law expected to speed lead service line replacements
EPA News Release: EPA finds Denver Water’s Lead Reduction Program effective
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EPA Region 8 acts to reduce childhood Lead-Based Paint exposure through compliance with the Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule
EPA News Release: EPA Region 8 acts to reduce childhood Lead-Based Paint exposure through compliance with the Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule
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EPA recognizes the Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District for efforts to promote water efficiency, cost savings
District among 34 WaterSense Partners recognized across the nation
EPA News Release: EPA recognizes the Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District for efforts to promote water efficiency, cost savings
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EPA extends public comment period for preliminary Safe Drinking Water Act decisions related to Afton, Wyoming’s Periodic Spring
EPA News Release: EPA extends public comment period for preliminary Safe Drinking Water Act decisions related to Afton, Wyoming’s Periodic Spring
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EPA y Estado de Colorado solicitan los aportes de la comunidad sobre el plan de trabajo para impulsar las metas de justicia ambiental
EPA News Release: EPA y Estado de Colorado solicitan los aportes de la comunidad sobre el plan de trabajo para impulsar las metas de justicia ambiental
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EPA and Colorado seek community input on Workplan to advance environmental justice goals
EPA News Release: EPA and Colorado seek community input on Workplan to advance environmental justice goals
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EPA celebrates recreational improvements along the Ogden and Weber Rivers to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Clean Water Act
EPA News Release: EPA celebrates recreational improvements along the Ogden and Weber Rivers to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Clean Water Act
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EPA, Justice Department, and State of Colorado settlement with DCP Operating Company LP Resolves Clean Air Act Violations at natural gas plants in Colorado
Agreement reflects joint efforts to reduce harmful air pollution in Colorado communities
EPA News Release: EPA, Justice Department, and State of Colorado settlement with DCP Operating Company LP Resolves Clean Air Act Violations at natural gas plants in Colorado
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EPA Announces $38 Million WIFIA Loan to Modernize Water Infrastructure in Englewood, Colorado
Nationally, 88 WIFIA loans are financing nearly $33 billion in water infrastructure upgrades, creating 100,000 jobs
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $38 Million WIFIA Loan to Modernize Water Infrastructure in Englewood, Colorado
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EPA approves the Southern Ute Indian Tribe’s Water Quality Standards
EPA News Release: EPA approves the Southern Ute Indian Tribe’s Water Quality Standards
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EPA settlements with Crescent Point Energy and EP Energy resolve Clean Air Act violations in Utah
Agreements reflect efforts to secure compliance with clean air requirements in Ozone Nonattainment Area
EPA News Release: EPA settlements with Crescent Point Energy and EP Energy resolve Clean Air Act violations in Utah
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EPA and Colorado announce enforcement partnership to advance environmental justice goals
EPA and CDPHE to meet with communities to get input and develop implementation plan
EPA News Release: EPA and Colorado announce enforcement partnership to advance environmental justice goals
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La Región 8 de la EPA ofrece una sesión pública de escucha el 1 de marzo sobre la Estrategia preliminar para reducir la exposición al plomo y las disparidades en las comunidades estadounidenses
El público puede inscribirse ahora para asistir y/o aportar comentarios verbales
EPA News Release: La Región 8 de la EPA ofrece una sesión pública de escucha el 1 de marzo sobre la Estrategia preliminar para reducir la exposición al plomo y las disparidades en las comunidades estadounidenses
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