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EPA issues first ever underground injection permits for carbon sequestration in California
Carbon sequestration will be used at Kern County site to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and mitigate climate change
EPA News Release: EPA issues first ever underground injection permits for carbon sequestration in California
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EPA announces a Record of Decision for the Anniston PCB Site Operable Unit 4 Proposed Plan
EPA News Release: EPA announces a Record of Decision for the Anniston PCB Site Operable Unit 4 Proposed Plan
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EPA and Department of Energy announce $345M to reduce methane pollution from the oil and gas sector in Colorado and Wyoming
Colorado State University, Pioneer Energy Inc, and Blue Mountain Operations among awardees receiving $850M nationwide
EPA News Release: EPA and Department of Energy announce $345M to reduce methane pollution from the oil and gas sector in Colorado and Wyoming
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EPA and US Department of Energy Announce $850M to Reduce Methane Pollution from the Oil and Gas Sector
Grant selectees from EPA’s Southeastern Region include M2X Energy, Inc. of Rockledge, Florida and the University of Kentucky Research Foundation in Lexington, Kentucky
EPA News Release: EPA and US Department of Energy Announce $850M to Reduce Methane Pollution from the Oil and Gas Sector
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EPA Completes Cleanup at 296 Properties this Year at the Jacobsville Superfund Site in Evansville, Indiana
Work will shut down for winter months and resume in the spring
EPA News Release: EPA Completes Cleanup at 296 Properties this Year at the Jacobsville Superfund Site in Evansville, Indiana
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State and federal agencies respond to public comments, move forward on plans for cleaning up tank waste at Hanford Site
EPA News Release: State and federal agencies respond to public comments, move forward on plans for cleaning up tank waste at Hanford Site
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Public meeting scheduled to review remediation plans for Woods Pond area of GE-Pittsfield Housatonic River Site
EPA News Release: Public meeting scheduled to review remediation plans for Woods Pond area of GE-Pittsfield Housatonic River Site
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EPA Announces $500,000 to Nevada’s Nye Communities Coalition for Job Training
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $500,000 to Nevada’s Nye Communities Coalition for Job Training
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Federal judge orders Lower Yakima Valley dairies to test wells and provide alternative drinking water to area residents at risk from nitrate-contaminated wells
EPA News Release: Federal judge orders Lower Yakima Valley dairies to test wells and provide alternative drinking water to area residents at risk from nitrate-contaminated wells
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Biden-Harris Administration Announces $500,000 Brownfields Job Training Grant to the Center for Nonprofit Advancement in Washington D.C. under Investing in America Agenda
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces $500,000 Brownfields Job Training Grant to the Center for Nonprofit Advancement in Washington D.C. under Investing in America Agenda
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EPA announces $89M loan to enhance wastewater management in King County
EPA News Release: EPA announces $89M loan to enhance wastewater management in King County
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EPA Grants Waiver for California’s Advanced Clean Cars II Regulations
Agency additionally grants waiver for low-NOx regulations for heavy-duty and off-road vehicles and engines
EPA News Release: EPA Grants Waiver for California’s Advanced Clean Cars II Regulations
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Ameren Missouri Ordered to Pay $61M to Mitigate Effects of Illegal Emissions at Rush Island Power Plant Near Festus
EPA News Release: Ameren Missouri Ordered to Pay $61M to Mitigate Effects of Illegal Emissions at Rush Island Power Plant Near Festus
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EPA Announces $1M in Brownfields Job Training Grants to New Jersey under Investing in America Agenda
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $1M in Brownfields Job Training Grants to New Jersey under Investing in America Agenda
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EPA cites Salt Lake City building owner for not providing lead paint hazard notice
Pacific Coast Capital to pay $74K, settling alleged violations at rental apartments
EPA News Release: EPA cites Salt Lake City building owner for not providing lead paint hazard notice
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