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EPA Announces Partnership with Village of South Holland to Accelerate Replacement of Lead Water Pipes and Protect Public Health
Thanks to the Biden-Harris Administration’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, South Holland is joining communities across the country who are accelerating replacement of lead service lines
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Partnership with Village of South Holland to Accelerate Replacement of Lead Water Pipes and Protect Public Health
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EPA Announces Partnership with City of Dowagiac to Accelerate Replacement of Lead Water Pipes and Protect Public Health
Thanks to the Biden-Harris Administration’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Dowagiac is joining communities across the country who are accelerating replacement of lead service lines
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Partnership with City of Dowagiac to Accelerate Replacement of Lead Water Pipes and Protect Public Health
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EPA Calls for Nominations for 2025 Green Chemistry Challenge Awards
EPA News Release: EPA Calls for Nominations for 2025 Green Chemistry Challenge Awards
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EPA $1 Million Brownfields Cleanup Grant to Transform Contaminated Site in Camden
EPA News Release: EPA $1 Million Brownfields Cleanup Grant to Transform Contaminated Site in Camden
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EPA $1 Million Climate Resilience Grant to Support South Bronx Communities
EPA News Release: EPA $1 Million Climate Resilience Grant to Support South Bronx Communities
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EPA Region 3 and Four Manufactured Home Communities Settle Wastewater Treatment Cases in Ann Arundel County, Maryland with $1.1 million in penalties
Settlement protects waters leading to the Chesapeake Bay
EPA News Release: EPA Region 3 and Four Manufactured Home Communities Settle Wastewater Treatment Cases in Ann Arundel County, Maryland with $1.1 million in penalties
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EPA Proposes Cleanup Action for East Branch Portion of Newtown Creek Superfund Site
EPA News Release: EPA Proposes Cleanup Action for East Branch Portion of Newtown Creek Superfund Site
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EPA Announces Voluntary Cancellation for the Pesticide Dacthal
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Voluntary Cancellation for the Pesticide Dacthal
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Massachusetts: EPA announces nearly $1.3 million in grants to protect children from lead in drinking water at schools and childcare facilities
Biden-Harris Administration announced a total of $26 million across the United States to protect children from lead in drinking water where they learn and play
EPA News Release: Massachusetts: EPA announces nearly $1.3 million in grants to protect children from lead in drinking water at schools and childcare facilities
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Rhode Island: EPA announces $336,000 in grants to protect children from lead in drinking water at schools and childcare facilities
Biden-Harris Administration announced a total of $26 million across the United States to protect children from lead in drinking water where they learn and play
EPA News Release: Rhode Island: EPA announces $336,000 in grants to protect children from lead in drinking water at schools and childcare facilities
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Maine: EPA announces $298,000 in grants to protect children from lead in drinking water at schools and childcare facilities
Biden-Harris Administration announced a total of $26 million across the United States to protect children from lead in drinking water where they learn and play
EPA News Release: Maine: EPA announces $298,000 in grants to protect children from lead in drinking water at schools and childcare facilities
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EPA’s Chesapeake Bay Program Office selects Khesha Reed as permanent Deputy Director
EPA News Release: EPA’s Chesapeake Bay Program Office selects Khesha Reed as permanent Deputy Director
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New Hampshire: EPA announces $210,000 in grants to protect children from lead in drinking water at schools and childcare facilities
Biden-Harris Administration announced a total of $26 million across the United States to protect children from lead in drinking water where they learn and play
EPA News Release: New Hampshire: EPA announces $210,000 in grants to protect children from lead in drinking water at schools and childcare facilities
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In proposed settlement Hecla Limited to pay for riparian restoration and a $174,300 penalty for Clean Water Act violations at the Lucky Friday Mine in Mullan, Idaho
Company’s $299,000 Supplemental Environmental Project will restore fish habitat in the South Fork Coeur d’Alene River
EPA News Release: In proposed settlement Hecla Limited to pay for riparian restoration and a $174,300 penalty for Clean Water Act violations at the Lucky Friday Mine in Mullan, Idaho
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EPA Awards Nearly $1.5 Million to Clarkson University to Develop and Demonstrate Technology to Detect and Degrade PFAS
EPA News Release: EPA Awards Nearly $1.5 Million to Clarkson University to Develop and Demonstrate Technology to Detect and Degrade PFAS
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