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EPA Announces More Than $17 Million to MetroHealth Systems and Community Organizations for a Community Change Grant in Cleveland
The selection is part of the Inflation Reduction Act program - the largest single environmental justice investment in history – delivered by President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda
EPA News Release: EPA Announces More Than $17 Million to MetroHealth Systems and Community Organizations for a Community Change Grant in Cleveland
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EPA Announces Presidential Innovation Award for Environmental Educators Awarded to Science Teacher at Pine Intermediate School in North Olmsted, Ohio
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Presidential Innovation Award for Environmental Educators Awarded to Science Teacher at Pine Intermediate School in North Olmsted, Ohio
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EPA Administrator Regan Wraps up Successful Mission to Africa, Reaffirms Commitment to Partnerships in Mozambique and Ghana
EPA News Release: EPA Administrator Regan Wraps up Successful Mission to Africa, Reaffirms Commitment to Partnerships in Mozambique and Ghana
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