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Biden-Harris Administration selects Denver-based JSI Research and Training Institute to receive $50M to fund Environmental Justice projects as part of Investing in America Agenda
Nonprofit to reduce barriers to federal funds and issue Environmental Justice grants across EPA Region 8 over the next three years
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration selects Denver-based JSI Research and Training Institute to receive $50M to fund Environmental Justice projects as part of Investing in America Agenda
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Biden-Harris Administration announces more than $3.5 million for Environmental Justice projects in communities across Colorado as part of Investing in America Agenda
Projects part of largest investments through EPA’s Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem Solving Cooperative Agreement and Environmental Justice Government-to-Government grant programs funded by President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration announces more than $3.5 million for Environmental Justice projects in communities across Colorado as part of Investing in America Agenda
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Enhanced water quality tool for South Platte River publicly available
Online tool will help communities track water quality
EPA News Release: Enhanced water quality tool for South Platte River publicly available
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EPA awards $3,995,000 for new recycling and materials recovery facility in Chaffee County, Colorado
New waste operations serving residents and businesses funded through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
EPA News Release: EPA awards $3,995,000 for new recycling and materials recovery facility in Chaffee County, Colorado
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EPA offers Colorado $531K for stormwater collection, sewer system upgrades
Infrastructure funding available at no cost to small, financially distressed communities
EPA News Release: EPA offers Colorado $531K for stormwater collection, sewer system upgrades
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Fort Lewis College students awarded $25K for water quality testing project
EPA News Release: Fort Lewis College students awarded $25K for water quality testing project
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EPA and Congressional officials encourage grant applications for zero emission school buses
EPA News Release: EPA and Congressional officials encourage grant applications for zero emission school buses
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EPA awards $1 million to clean up and revitalize Keating School property in Pueblo, Colorado’s Bessemer neighborhood
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding will address contamination and redevelop historic building as a theater and community space
EPA News Release: EPA awards $1 million to clean up and revitalize Keating School property in Pueblo, Colorado’s Bessemer neighborhood
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EPA awards $500,000 to San Miguel County, Colorado, to clean up and revitalize properties in Norwood, Telluride and Ophir
Funding will address contamination at dozens of properties, including former mining sites, gas stations, a school and a power plant
EPA News Release: EPA awards $500,000 to San Miguel County, Colorado, to clean up and revitalize properties in Norwood, Telluride and Ophir
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EPA awards $500,000 to the Town of San Luis, Colorado, to clean up and revitalize Main Street properties
Funding will address contamination, protect water quality and advance new development opportunities
EPA News Release: EPA awards $500,000 to the Town of San Luis, Colorado, to clean up and revitalize Main Street properties
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EPA awards $998,770 to clean up and revitalize former Holy Trinity property in Trinidad, Colorado
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding will address contamination and advance new redevelopment opportunities for historic building
EPA News Release: EPA awards $998,770 to clean up and revitalize former Holy Trinity property in Trinidad, Colorado
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EPA awards $800,000 to Silverton, Colorado, for property cleanup and revitalization
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding will address mining-related contamination at downtown properties and along the Animas River and Cement Creek corridors
EPA News Release: EPA awards $800,000 to Silverton, Colorado, for property cleanup and revitalization
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EPA awards $2 million for cleanup and revitalization of abandoned riverfront high-rise in Fargo
Fargo Housing and Redevelopment Authority to use Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding to address contamination, advance new development at Lashkowitz High Rise
EPA News Release: EPA awards $2 million for cleanup and revitalization of abandoned riverfront high-rise in Fargo
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EPA awards $979,222 for cleanup and revitalization of McGinnis Gym property in Buena Vista, Colorado
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding will address contamination and restore historic gym for community use
EPA News Release: EPA awards $979,222 for cleanup and revitalization of McGinnis Gym property in Buena Vista, Colorado
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New upcoming grant opportunity to enhance Environmental Justice in EPA Region 8 communities
EPA previews new grant opportunity for technical assistance for organizations and communities in the Region 8 states of CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY and 28 Tribes
EPA News Release: New upcoming grant opportunity to enhance Environmental Justice in EPA Region 8 communities
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