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EPA reaches settlements with 41 Idaho, Oregon, and Washington home renovators for lead-based paint violations
Lead paint safety training for contractors, community education workshops offered this fall
EPA News Release: EPA reaches settlements with 41 Idaho, Oregon, and Washington home renovators for lead-based paint violations
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EPA cites Bellevue, WA-based Kaliber for illegal pesticides sales
Company sold misbranded Chinese-made pesticides on Amazon
EPA News Release: EPA cites Bellevue, WA-based Kaliber for illegal pesticides sales
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EPA reaches settlements with eight Washington renovators for lead-based paint violations
EPA News Release: EPA reaches settlements with eight Washington renovators for lead-based paint violations
- Release Date:
EPA Announces $400,000 in Funding to Small Businesses in Alaska and Washington to Develop Innovative Environmental Technologies
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $400,000 in Funding to Small Businesses in Alaska and Washington to Develop Innovative Environmental Technologies
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EPA orders online marketplace to stop selling illegal pesticides
Chalk, other illegal and mislabelled products pose serious risks to kids, elderly, pets
EPA News Release: EPA orders online marketplace to stop selling illegal pesticides
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Recent EPA enforcement cases throughout the Pacific Northwest
Actions finalized in July and August
EPA News Release: Recent EPA enforcement cases throughout the Pacific Northwest
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