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EPA removes lead-contaminated soil at nine properties near Northport, WA to protect children and women of childbearing age
EPA News Release: EPA removes lead-contaminated soil at nine properties near Northport, WA to protect children and women of childbearing age
- Release Date:
Gebbers Farms pays $17,000 penalty for failing to protect workers from pesticides
EPA News Release: Gebbers Farms pays $17,000 penalty for failing to protect workers from pesticides
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EPA proposes PCBs cleanup plan for Spokane River
Public can comment on plan until July 15
EPA News Release: EPA proposes PCBs cleanup plan for Spokane River
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EPA orders online marketplace to stop selling illegal pesticides
Chalk, other illegal and mislabelled products pose serious risks to kids, elderly, pets
EPA News Release: EPA orders online marketplace to stop selling illegal pesticides
- Release Date:
Recent EPA enforcement cases throughout the Pacific Northwest
Actions finalized in July and August
EPA News Release: Recent EPA enforcement cases throughout the Pacific Northwest
- Release Date: