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Displaying 1 - 15 of 61 results
EPA announces $78M in grants to Tribes in Alaska, Pacific Northwest to cut climate pollution, accelerate clean energy transition
EPA News Release: EPA announces $78M in grants to Tribes in Alaska, Pacific Northwest to cut climate pollution, accelerate clean energy transition
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Spirit Lake Tribe selected to receive $7,279,786 for projects to improve energy efficiency, develop solar and EV infrastructure and cut climate pollution
Funded by President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda, Tribe among 34 Tribal and territory applications selected to receive Climate Pollution Reduction Grants
EPA News Release: Spirit Lake Tribe selected to receive $7,279,786 for projects to improve energy efficiency, develop solar and EV infrastructure and cut climate pollution
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EPA proposes adding JH Baxter site in West Eugene to Superfund cleanup list
EPA News Release: EPA proposes adding JH Baxter site in West Eugene to Superfund cleanup list
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Teck Alaska pays $429K penalty for hazardous waste violations at Red Dog Mine
EPA's settlement with Teck Alaska, Incorporated, for hazardous waste violations at Red Dog Mine near Kotzebue, Alaska.
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EPA begins cleanup work at JH Baxter facility in Eugene, Oregon
EPA will begin cleanup, also known as a time-critical removal action, at the J.H. Baxter facility in West Eugene, Oregon.
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EPA penalizes Starbound, LLC $168,000 for Clean Water Act violations off Oregon, Washington, Alaska coasts
EPA News Release: EPA penalizes Starbound, LLC $168,000 for Clean Water Act violations off Oregon, Washington, Alaska coasts
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EPA announces $16 million environmental and climate justice community change grant to Pocatello, ID
EPA News Release: EPA announces $16 million environmental and climate justice community change grant to Pocatello, ID
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EPA announces $19 million environmental and climate justice community change grant to Lane County, OR
EPA News Release: EPA announces $19 million environmental and climate justice community change grant to Lane County, OR
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EPA announces $20 million environmental and climate justice community change grant to Gonzaga
EPA News Release: EPA announces $20 million environmental and climate justice community change grant to Gonzaga
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Intalco to pay $5 million penalty for major Clean Air Act violations at former Ferndale smelter
EPA News Release: Intalco to pay $5 million penalty for major Clean Air Act violations at former Ferndale smelter
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EPA announces nearly $200 million to cut climate pollution and advance environmental justice in Oregon
EPA News Release: EPA announces nearly $200 million to cut climate pollution and advance environmental justice in Oregon
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EPA and Justice Department announce $241.5M settlement with Marathon Oil to reduce climate- and health-harming emissions in North Dakota
Settlement includes largest ever Clean Air Act stationary source penalty and will result in over 2.3M tons worth of pollution reduction
EPA News Release: EPA and Justice Department announce $241.5M settlement with Marathon Oil to reduce climate- and health-harming emissions in North Dakota
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Clearwater Paper to pay over $367,000 for failing to properly report extremely hazardous chlorine releases
EPA News Release: Clearwater Paper to pay over $367,000 for failing to properly report extremely hazardous chlorine releases
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La EPA y el Ministerio de Justicia demandan a vaquerías del Bajo Valle de Yakima por prácticas de abono que ponen en peligro a usuarios de pozos cercanos
La Agencia insta a los miembros de las comunidades de la zona a que sometan sus pozos a pruebas
EPA News Release: La EPA y el Ministerio de Justicia demandan a vaquerías del Bajo Valle de Yakima por prácticas de abono que ponen en peligro a usuarios de pozos cercanos
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EPA, Department of Justice sue Lower Yakima Valley dairies for manure practices endangering neighboring well-users
Agency urges area community members to get their wells tested
EPA News Release: EPA, Department of Justice sue Lower Yakima Valley dairies for manure practices endangering neighboring well-users
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