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EPA awards Food Lifeline $200,000 for project to reduce methane, food waste in South Seattle
EPA News Release: EPA awards Food Lifeline $200,000 for project to reduce methane, food waste in South Seattle
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EPA ENERGY STAR Recognizes Seattle as “Top City”
Agency ranks Seattle 13th in the nation for number of Energy Star buildings
EPA News Release: EPA ENERGY STAR Recognizes Seattle as “Top City”
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Mercer Island, WA Student Earns National EPA Recognition for Agriculture Project
EPA News Release: Mercer Island, WA Student Earns National EPA Recognition for Agriculture Project
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EPA recognizes Pacific Northwest energy savers, food waste reducers, and recyclers
Spotlighting the Federal Green Challenge, Food Recovery Challenge, and WasteWise Award Winners
EPA News Release: EPA recognizes Pacific Northwest energy savers, food waste reducers, and recyclers
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