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Hilcorp pays $223,000 EPA penalty for hazardous waste violations
EPA News Release: Hilcorp pays $223,000 EPA penalty for hazardous waste violations
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EPA penalizes Anacortes, Washington used oil bulk storage and processing facility $57,800 for Clean Water Act violations
EPA News Release: EPA penalizes Anacortes, Washington used oil bulk storage and processing facility $57,800 for Clean Water Act violations
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EPA Announces 2024 Safer Choice Partner of the Year Award Winners in the Northwest
Winners helped consumers access products with safer ingredients and showed leadership in green chemistry and sustainable packaging
EPA News Release: EPA Announces 2024 Safer Choice Partner of the Year Award Winners in the Northwest
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Teck Alaska pays $429K penalty for hazardous waste violations at Red Dog Mine
EPA's settlement with Teck Alaska, Incorporated, for hazardous waste violations at Red Dog Mine near Kotzebue, Alaska.
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EPA penalizes Starbound, LLC $168,000 for Clean Water Act violations off Oregon, Washington, Alaska coasts
EPA News Release: EPA penalizes Starbound, LLC $168,000 for Clean Water Act violations off Oregon, Washington, Alaska coasts
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Clearwater Paper to pay over $367,000 for failing to properly report extremely hazardous chlorine releases
EPA News Release: Clearwater Paper to pay over $367,000 for failing to properly report extremely hazardous chlorine releases
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La EPA y el Ministerio de Justicia demandan a vaquerías del Bajo Valle de Yakima por prácticas de abono que ponen en peligro a usuarios de pozos cercanos
La Agencia insta a los miembros de las comunidades de la zona a que sometan sus pozos a pruebas
EPA News Release: La EPA y el Ministerio de Justicia demandan a vaquerías del Bajo Valle de Yakima por prácticas de abono que ponen en peligro a usuarios de pozos cercanos
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EPA, Department of Justice sue Lower Yakima Valley dairies for manure practices endangering neighboring well-users
Agency urges area community members to get their wells tested
EPA News Release: EPA, Department of Justice sue Lower Yakima Valley dairies for manure practices endangering neighboring well-users
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Carlisle Construction Materials to pay over $24,000 for stormwater permit violations
EPA News Release: Carlisle Construction Materials to pay over $24,000 for stormwater permit violations
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Seattle & King County to expand wastewater treatment in new agreement with EPA, DOJ, Ecology
EPA News Release: Seattle & King County to expand wastewater treatment in new agreement with EPA, DOJ, Ecology
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Portland company fined $139,000 for Clean Air Act violations
EPA News Release: Portland company fined $139,000 for Clean Air Act violations
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Idaho company penalized $225,000 for Clean Water Act Violations along St. Joe River
EPA News Release: Idaho company penalized $225,000 for Clean Water Act Violations along St. Joe River
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Landowner to pay $10,000 for Clean Water Act violations in Central, Alaska
EPA News Release: Landowner to pay $10,000 for Clean Water Act violations in Central, Alaska
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City of Lynnwood pays $550,259 penalty for federal Clean Air Act violations
EPA News Release: City of Lynnwood pays $550,259 penalty for federal Clean Air Act violations
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EPA penalizes private landowner for violating the Clean Water Act by discharging fill into the South Fork of the Coeur d’Alene River
EPA News Release: EPA penalizes private landowner for violating the Clean Water Act by discharging fill into the South Fork of the Coeur d’Alene River
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