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Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 results
President Biden, EPA Announce $1 Billion Investment from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Will Significantly Accelerate Cleanup and Restoration of Great Lakes
EPA Projects Work to Be Completed at 22 of 25 Remaining Great Lakes “Areas of Concern” by 2030
EPA News Release: President Biden, EPA Announce $1 Billion Investment from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Will Significantly Accelerate Cleanup and Restoration of Great Lakes
- Release Date:
EPA Announces Two Near-Term, Clean Water Projects in the Tijuana River
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Two Near-Term, Clean Water Projects in the Tijuana River
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EPA Updates WIFIA Loan, Saving More Money for San Diego Ratepayers
EPA News Release: EPA Updates WIFIA Loan, Saving More Money for San Diego Ratepayers
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U.S. EPA awards $280,000 to advance environmental projects in the California/Baja California border region
An additional $238,000 will be matched by the recipient organizations
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA awards $280,000 to advance environmental projects in the California/Baja California border region
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What They Are Saying About EPA's New Methane Proposal
EPA News Release: What Republicans and Petroleum Executives Are Saying About EPA's New Methane Proposal
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