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Displaying 1 - 15 of 30 results
EPA Selects California Organizations Ignited and Sierra Streams Institute for Environmental Education Grants
EPA News Release: EPA Selects California Organizations Ignited and Sierra Streams Institute for Environmental Education Grants
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EPA Awards Nearly $1.2M to Three California Small Businesses to Research Environmental Issues and Help Grow the Green Economy
EPA News Release: EPA Awards Nearly $1.2M to Three California Small Businesses to Research Environmental Issues and Help Grow the Green Economy
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EPA Awards Grant to Los Angeles County for Research into Boosting Water Supplies and Improving Water Security
Department of Public Works to use award for studies aiming to advance groundwater availability and quality.
EPA News Release: EPA Awards Grant to Los Angeles County for Research into Boosting Water Supplies and Improving Water Security
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EPA announces nearly $4 million in grant funding to research cumulative health impacts of climate change in underserved communities in Alaska and Washington
Collaborative projects in Alaska and Washington will promote community-led science, knowledge-sharing to support environmental justice
EPA News Release: EPA announces nearly $4 million in grant funding to research cumulative health impacts of climate change in underserved communities in Alaska and Washington
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EPA Announces Over $5 Million to California Organizations to Investigate Cumulative Health Impacts of Climate Change on Underserved Communities
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Over $5 Million to California Organizations to Investigate Cumulative Health Impacts of Climate Change on Underserved Communities
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Bay Area Company Receives $400,000 from EPA for Zero Waste Artificial Intelligence Project
EPA News Release: Bay Area Company Receives $400,000 from EPA for Zero Waste Artificial Intelligence Project
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EPA Awards Florence Fang Community Farm in San Francisco’s Bayview $75,000 Environmental Justice Grant to Increase Food Access
EPA News Release: EPA Awards Florence Fang Community Farm in San Francisco’s Bayview $75,000 Environmental Justice Grant to Increase Food Access
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EPA Fines Owner of San Joaquin Valley Almond Orchard for Clean Water Act Violations, Orders Restoration of Wetlands
EPA News Release: EPA Fines Owner of San Joaquin Valley Almond Orchard for Clean Water Act Violations, Orders Restoration of Wetlands
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U.S. EPA Fines Pesticide Application Company TriCal $44,275 for Pesticide Misuse
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA Fines Pesticide Application Company TriCal $44,275 for Pesticide Misuse
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U.S. EPA Penalizes Four California Facilities More Than $800,000 for Clean Air Act Chemical Safety Violations
Under settlements, facility owners will pay fines, make safety improvements
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA Penalizes Four California Facilities More Than $800,000 for Clean Air Act Chemical Safety Violations
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EPA Awards UC Berkeley, the Oakland Public Health Institute, and Stanford nearly $3 Million for Research to Reduce Wildland Fire Smoke Exposure
EPA News Release: EPA Awards UC Berkeley, the Oakland Public Health Institute, and Stanford nearly $3 Million for Research to Reduce Wildland Fire Smoke Exposure
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EPA Announces two Northern California Winners of President’s Student Environmental Awards
Watsonville, Calif. student group and Pleasanton, Calif. student among those recognized in a virtual ceremony by EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan and White House Council on Environmental Quality Chair Brenda Mallory
EPA News Release: EPA Announces two Northern California Winners of President’s Student Environmental Awards
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EPA Commits to Helping Sacramento Food Hubs
Three Sacramento area food hubs to lead downtown and neighborhood revitalization
EPA News Release: EPA Commits to Helping Sacramento Food Hubs
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Biden Administration to Support Local Food Initiative, Environmental Protection, and Community Revitalization in Jersey City, New Jersey
EPA News Release: Biden Administration to Support Local Food Initiative, Environmental Protection, and Community Revitalization in Jersey City, New Jersey
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U.S. EPA announces nearly $200,000 to Small Northern California Businesses for Developing Environmental Technologies
Awards part of $2.5 million provided by EPA’s Small Business Innovation Research Program nationwide
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA announces nearly $200,000 to Small Northern California Businesses for Developing Environmental Technologies
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