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Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 results
EPA Requires Arkansas Midland Railroad Company to Pay $910K for Alleged Hazardous Waste Violations
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently finalized a settlement with the Arkansas Midland Railroad Company over alleged hazardous waste violations at a private rail track in Hot Springs, Arkansas.
- Release Date:
EPA Settlement Addresses Contractor’s Actions on Renovation TV Show Violating the Lead-Based Paint Rule
Marrs Construction Co. Will Pay Penalty and Raise Awareness of Lead-Safe Work Practices Through Home Improvement Programming
EPA News Release: EPA Settlement Addresses Contractor’s Actions on Renovation TV Show Violating the Lead-Based Paint Rule
- Release Date:
EPA Settlement Addresses Alleged Hazardous Waste Violations at US Technology Site in Fort Smith, Ark.
EPA News Release: EPA Settlement Addresses Alleged Hazardous Waste Violations at US Technology Site in Fort Smith, Ark.
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