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Displaying 1 - 11 of 11 results
U.S. EPA awards nearly $200,000 to Kern County for job training tied to revitalization work
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA awards nearly $200,000 to Kern County for job training tied to revitalization work
- Release Date:
EPA’s 2019 National Brownfields Training Conference Wraps Up in Los Angeles California
EPA News Release: EPA’s 2019 National Brownfields Training Conference Wraps Up in Los Angeles California
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U.S. EPA Superfund Job Training Initiative provides skills and opportunities for San Gabriel Valley-area graduates
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA Superfund Job Training Initiative provides skills and opportunities for San Gabriel Valley-area graduates
- Release Date:
EPA selects five California organizations to receive $1 million in Environmental Workforce and Job Training Grants
Funds helping to transform economically disadvantaged communities
EPA News Release: EPA selects five California organizations to receive $1 million in Environmental Workforce and Job Training Grants
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As mark of progress, U.S. EPA reclassifies Beckman Instruments Superfund site
Porterville site among 27 fully or partially removed from National Priorities List
EPA News Release: As mark of progress, U.S. EPA reclassifies Beckman Instruments Superfund site
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U.S. EPA reaches settlements to study and mitigate indoor air and groundwater contamination in Sunnyvale, California
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA reaches settlements to study and mitigate indoor air and groundwater contamination in Sunnyvale, California
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Superfund Task Force Issues Final Report and Announces Plans to Continue Program Improvements Moving Forward
EPA News Release: Superfund Task Force Issues Final Report and Announces Plans to Continue Program Improvements Moving Forward
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U.S. EPA Celebrates 20 Years of Superfund Redevelopment at the Operating Industries Inc. landfill site in Monterey Park, California
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA Celebrates 20 Years of Superfund Redevelopment at the Operating Industries Inc. landfill site in Monterey Park, California
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U.S. EPA proposes to delete Intel Corp. Superfund site in Santa Clara, California, from the National Priorities List
The agency is accepting public comments until August 30, 2019
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA proposes to delete Intel Corp. Superfund site in Santa Clara, California, from the National Priorities List
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U.S. EPA awards $175,000 to Nevada Division of Environmental Protection for abandoned mines program
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA awards $175,000 to Nevada Division of Environmental Protection for abandoned mines program
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EPA Updates the National Priorities List to Clean Up Contamination and Protect Communities
Copper Bluff Mine in Hoopa, California, added to list
EPA News Release: EPA Updates the National Priorities List to Clean Up Contamination and Protect Communities
- Release Date: