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Displaying 1 - 15 of 15 results
EPA Seeks DERA Grant Proposals up to $4 Million to Reduce Emissions from Diesel Engines Across Pacific Southwest
Funding Prioritized for Areas Facing Air Quality Challenges
EPA News Release: EPA Seeks DERA Grant Proposals up to $4 Million to Reduce Emissions from Diesel Engines Across Pacific Southwest
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U.S. EPA provides nearly $30 million for environmental improvements on tribal lands in California
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA provides nearly $30 million for environmental improvements on tribal lands in California
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Five California community groups receive EPA environmental justice grants
EPA News Release: Five California community groups receive EPA environmental justice grants
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U.S. EPA Awards $900,000 to California Small Businesses to Commercialize Environmental Technologies
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA Awards $900,000 to California Small Businesses to Commercialize Environmental Technologies
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U.S. EPA awards nearly $200,000 to reduce diesel emissions in Guam and American Samoa
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA awards nearly $200,000 to reduce diesel emissions in Guam and American Samoa
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U.S. EPA awards more than $11.6 million to reduce diesel emissions in California
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA awards more than $11.6 million to reduce diesel emissions in California
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EPA Awards Nearly $900,000 to University of California Riverside to Advance Research on Alternative Methods to Animal Testing
Grant is part of $4.25 million to universities on heels of memo from Administrator Wheeler to prioritize Agency efforts to reduce animal testing
EPA News Release: EPA Awards Nearly $900,000 to University of California Riverside to Advance Research on Alternative Methods to Animal Testing
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U.S. EPA awards close to $8 million to protect and restore San Francisco Bay and its watersheds
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA awards close to $8 million to protect and restore San Francisco Bay and its watersheds
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Five Star Urban Waters Grants Awarded to Projects in Southern California
With support from EPA, community-led projects will restore urban waters and streams, address water quality in priority watersheds
EPA News Release: Five Star Urban Waters Grants Awarded to Projects in Southern California
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U.S. EPA awards over $8.4 million to California State Water Resources Control Board for water quality protection
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA awards over $8.4 million to California State Water Resources Control Board for water quality protection
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EPA Awards $2.3 Million in Funding for 21 Small Businesses to Develop Innovative Environmental Technologies
California, Arizona businesses to receive $800,000 in funding
EPA News Release: EPA Awards $2.3 Million in Funding for 21 Small Businesses to Develop Innovative Environmental Technologies
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U.S. EPA announces $600,000 in Brownfields grant to promote economic redevelopment in Fresno
Approximately $64.6 million to be awarded nationwide
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA announces $600,000 in Brownfields grant to promote economic redevelopment in Fresno
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U.S. EPA announces $800,000 in Brownfields grant to promote economic redevelopment in Pittsburg, California
Approximately $64.6 million to be awarded nationwide
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA announces $800,000 in Brownfields grant to promote economic redevelopment in Pittsburg, California
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U.S. EPA announces $1.1 million in Brownfields grants to promote economic redevelopment in Los Angeles
Approximately $64.6 million to be awarded nationwide
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA announces $1.1 million in Brownfields grants to promote economic redevelopment in Los Angeles
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U.S. EPA announces $800,000 in Brownfields grants to promote economic redevelopment in Northern California
Approximately $64.6 million to be awarded nationwide
EPA News Release: U.S. EPA announces $800,000 in Brownfields grants to promote economic redevelopment in Northern California
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