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Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 results
EPA Announces $100,000 in Funding to Kailua Small Business to Develop Low-Greenhouse Gas Fuel
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $100,000 in Funding to Kailua Small Business to Develop Low-Greenhouse Gas Fuel
- Release Date:
EPA awards Fort Worth company $100,000 to remove oil and grease waste from sewer systems
Nationally EPA announced $2.5 million in funding to small businesses
EPA News Release: EPA awards Fort Worth company $100,000 to remove oil and grease waste from sewer systems
- Release Date:
University of Louisville Receives $210,000 from EPA for Wetlands Study
EPA News Release: University of Louisville Receives $210,000 from EPA for Wetlands Study
- Release Date:
EPA Awards Nearly $1 million to Vanderbilt Medical Center and Vanderbilt University to Advance Research on Alternative Methods to Animal Testing
Grants are part of $4.25 million to universities on heels of memo from Administrator Wheeler to prioritize Agency efforts to reduce animal testing
EPA News Release: EPA Awards Nearly $1 million to Vanderbilt Medical Center and Vanderbilt University to Advance Research on Alternative Methods to Animal Testing
- Release Date: