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Displaying 1 - 3 of 3 results
EPA cracks down on Louisville-based seller of automobile emissions ‘defeat devices’ that increase air pollution
EPA News Release: EPA cracks down on Louisville-based seller of automobile emissions ‘defeat devices’ that increase air pollution
- Release Date:
EPA and the City of Lexington work to extend the compliance deadline for sanitary sewer system improvement projects
EPA News Release: EPA and the City of Lexington work to extend the compliance deadline for sanitary sewer system improvement projects
- Release Date:
D.R. Horton to pay civil penalties complete a Supplemental Environmental Project and implement Stormwater Compliance Measures across the Southeast for Clean Water Act Noncompliance
EPA News Release: D.R. Horton to pay civil penalties complete a Supplemental Environmental Project and implement Stormwater Compliance Measures across the Southeast for Clean Water Act Noncompliance
- Release Date: