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Biden-Harris Administration Announces $2 Billion to Fund Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants as Part of Investing in America Agenda
EPA’s Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights announces the largest single investment in environmental justice in history, funded by President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Announces $2 Billion to Fund Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants as Part of Investing in America Agenda
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바이든-해리스 정부가 ‘미국에 투자’ 안건의 일환으로 20억 달러를 환경 및 기후정의 커뮤니티 변화 보조금으로 지원한다고 발표
EPA 환경정의 및 외부 시민권 부서는 바이든 대통령의 인플레이션 감축법 재정 지원으로 인해 환경정의에 역사상 최대 단일 투자 금액이 지원된다고 발표하였습니다.
EPA News Release: 바이든-해리스 정부가 ‘미국에 투자’ 안건의 일환으로 20억 달러를 환경 및 기후정의 커뮤니티 변화 보조금으로 지원한다고 발표
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Biden-Harris Administration Awards $8.8 Million in Funding to Measure Pollution from Wood Heaters as Part of Investing in America Agenda
Inflation Reduction Act award will fund independent testing of harmful pollution from woodstoves and wood heater devices to inform cleaner, healthier options
EPA News Release: Biden-Harris Administration Awards $8.8 Million in Funding to Measure Pollution from Wood Heaters as Part of Investing in America Agenda
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EPA Administrator Regan Announces Members of First-Ever National Environmental Youth Advisory Council
Marks the first time an EPA advisory committee features exclusively youth aged 16-29, charged with advising EPA on impacts of climate change and environmental harms
EPA News Release: EPA Administrator Regan Announces Members of First-Ever National Environmental Youth Advisory Council
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EPA Signs Agreement with the Philippines to Foster Collaboration on Climate Change and Environmental Issues
EPA News Release: EPA Signs Agreement with the Philippines to Foster Collaboration on Climate Change and Environmental Issues
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EPA Launches New Community-based Initiative to Help People Access Unprecedented Resources for Local Climate and Environmental Justice Solutions
Under President Biden’s Investing in America Agenda, EPA to host a National Virtual Open House November 6-14; registration for the event is now open
EPA News Release: EPA Launches New Community-based Initiative to Help People Access Unprecedented Resources for Local Climate and Environmental Justice Solutions
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EPA의 웨비나 호스팅으로 신규 환경정의 웹 리소스 공개에 대한 세부 정보 제공
보도 참고자료
EPA News Release: EPA의 웨비나 호스팅으로 신규 환경정의 웹 리소스 공개에 대한 세부 정보 제공
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