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Displaying 1 - 15 of 3587 results
EPA Announces $30 Million to Help Small and Rural Communities Protect Public Health, Drinking Water, and Local Waterways
EPA News Release: EPA Announces $30 Million to Help Small and Rural Communities Protect Public Health, Drinking Water, and Local Waterways
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EPA Honors Home Builders and Raters for Providing Healthier Indoor Air
EPA News Release: EPA Honors Home Builders and Raters for Providing Healthier Indoor Air
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EPA Seeks Input on National Primary Drinking Water Regulation for Perchlorate
EPA News Release: EPA Seeks Input on National Primary Drinking Water Regulation for Perchlorate
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EPA leads roundtable at Norfolk State University to tackle environmental justice
EPA News Release: EPA leads roundtable at Norfolk State University to tackle environmental justice
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EPA Proposes to Expand Public Access to Information on More Than One Hundred PFAS “Forever Chemicals” and Support Needed Pollution Prevention Efforts
EPA News Release: EPA Proposes to Expand Public Access to Information on More Than One Hundred PFAS “Forever Chemicals” and Support Needed Pollution Prevention Efforts
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EPA Finalizes Rule to Protect Farmworkers, Families and Communities from Pesticide Exposures
EPA News Release: EPA Finalizes Rule to Protect Farmworkers, Families and Communities from Pesticide Exposures
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EPA Announces Funding Opportunities to Support Farmworker Communities
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Funding Opportunities to Support Farmworker Communities
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La EPA reconoce el Mes de la Salud Infantil
EPA News Release: La EPA reconoce el Mes de la Salud Infantil
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La EPA anuncia oportunidades de financiamiento para apoyar a las comunidades de trabajadores agrícolas
EPA News Release: La EPA anuncia oportunidades de financiamiento para apoyar a las comunidades de trabajadores agrícolas
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EPA Recognizes Children’s Health Month
EPA News Release: EPA Recognizes Children’s Health Month
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Ovintiv USA to Pay $5.5M Penalty and Upgrade Oil and Gas Facilities in Utah to Resolve Clean Air Act Violations
Compliance measures address violations at 22 facilities in Utah including on Uintah and Ouray Reservation state lands within Uinta Basin
EPA News Release: Ovintiv USA to Pay $5.5M Penalty and Upgrade Oil and Gas Facilities in Utah to Resolve Clean Air Act Violations
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EPA Releases New Tools to Help Small, Rural, and Tribal Communities with Lagoons Manage Wastewater and Protect Waterbodies
EPA News Release: EPA Releases New Tools to Help Small, Rural, and Tribal Communities with Lagoons Manage Wastewater and Protect Waterbodies
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EPA Announces Selection of Members to the Science Advisory Board and the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee
EPA News Release: EPA Announces Selection of Members to the Science Advisory Board and the Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee
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EPA Issues Consent Order to MAX for Clean Water Act Violations at Yukon, PA, Waste Facility
EPA News Release: EPA Issues Consent Order to MAX for Clean Water Act Violations at Yukon, PA, Waste Facility
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EPA and Justice Department Announce Settlement to Reduce Benzene and Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions from Wastewater at Lima Refining Company’s Refinery in Ohio
Lima Refining Company will implement injunctive relief valued at an estimated $150M to correct deficiencies and pay a penalty of $19M
EPA News Release: EPA and Justice Department Announce Settlement to Reduce Benzene and Volatile Organic Compounds Emissions from Wastewater at Lima Refining Company’s Refinery in Ohio
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